
Nolte: Lack of Bigotry in America Forces Media to Invent ‘The Hoaxtroversy’

The “Hoaxtroversy” is our corrupt establishment media’s latest way to pretend bigotry is still a major problem in America. Which means that the media’s need to manufacture a hoaxtroversy (a controversy that proves to be a hoax) actually serves as yet one more slice of proof of just how little racism, sexism, and homophobia exists in this country.

Paramount Pictures

Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants to Terminate Religious Freedom

If Arnold Schwarzenegger could travel back in time, as he did in the Terminator movies, and stop himself from vetoing gay marriage in 2005 and 2007, then perhaps he could have saved his political career from its later, near-complete devastation. However, the Silicon Valley techies haven’t yet invented a time machine. So Schwarzenegger must content himself with an op-ed in the pages of the Washington Post, lecturing fellow Republicans about the evils of Indiana’s religious freedom law.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (Reuters)