Temporary Restraining Order

Obama Agency Head Sues Trump to Retain Control over Powerful Agency

WASHINGTON, DC – Obama holdover Leandra English is claiming to be the acting head of the powerful Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and, on Sunday, filed a lawsuit against the president of the United States, seeking an emergency court order declaring her the lawful director and requiring everyone to treat her as such.

US President Donald Trump is seen during an event honoring the NCAA national championship

All Options on the Table for Immigration Executive Order Case

President Donald Trump and his team are weighing their options in the legal challenge to his executive order (EO) regarding foreigners from seven terror-prone nations in the aftermath of an adverse appellate ruling: considering taking the case up to the Supreme Court, taking it back down to the trial court, keeping it at the appeals court for a rehearing, or issuing a new EO.

Trump Considers His Options AP