Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension
Tom Brady announced via social media that he does not plan to appeal the decision upholding his four-game suspension to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Tom Brady announced via social media that he does not plan to appeal the decision upholding his four-game suspension to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Engineers and physicists at MIT, Penn, Stanford, Michigan, Berkeley, and several other campuses filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in support of Tom Brady’s case against the NFL.
The New England Patriots filed an amicus curiae brief supporting its quarterback’s legal effort to overturn his four-game NFL suspension in federal court.
From the investigator touting as truth the opposite of the testimony of the AFC Championship Game referee on the matter most salient to Deflategate to the league admitting ignorance of the Ideal Gas Law to Roger Goodell hearing the appeal
The judge in the Deflategate case badgered an NFL lawyer for proof of a New England Patriots conspiracy to deflate footballs, leaving the league to concede that no such smoking gun exists.
Ted Wells, the investigator hired by the NFL to look into the Miami Dolphins’ 2013 bullying scandal, has been hit with a defamation suit from former Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner.
Investigator Ted Wells asserted attorney-client privilege a half dozen times during his testimony during the Deflategate appeal to avoid discussion of matters between him and the National Football League, which he now terms his client. Simultaneously, Wells stressed his complete independence from the entity that readers discovered he represents as an attorney.
Ted Wells testified in front of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell that the league and its referees displayed ignorance that balls lose air pressure because of weather conditions.
The NFL Players Association seeks correspondence pertinent to Deflategate between the NFL and the law firm that employs Ted Wells. Roger Goodell refuses to hand it over, citing attorney-client privilege.
Roger Goodell doubled down on dumb. The commissioner consistently plays bad hands this way. People losing the house’s rather than their own money often do.
A study by three researchers at the American Enterprise Institute judges it “unlikely” that the New England Patriots tampered with the footballs prior to the AFC Championship Game.
The transparency standards for an NFL quarterback rising higher than for the Secretary of State surely speaks to the bread-and-circuses quality of modern America.