Ted Malloch

MALLOCH: The Common Law and Brexit

It is inane to ignore the distinction between common law and civil law or between the English definition of Rule of Law and the European Rechtsstaat. The two are radically different.


DELINGPOLE: Talking the Trump Revolution with Ted Malloch – ‘Clear Another Space on Mt Rushmore…’

Donald Trump is going to win a second term in 2020: you read it here, first. I, in turn, heard it straight from the lips of an administration insider – Dr Ted Malloch, the business economics professor and prospective US ambassador to the European Union, who advised Trump from the early stages of his presidential campaign, and whom I’ve interviewed for this week’s Delingpole podcast.


Trump’s Prospective EU Ambassador: TTIP is Dead

The economist and academic hotly tipped to be President Trump’s ambassador to the European Union told the Breitbart News Daily Show that “TTIP is a non starter” and won’t progress under the Trump administration. Speaking to Breitbart London Editor in
