Ted Kennedy

Klukowski: Chappaquiddick Movie Spotlights Kennedy Scandal that Changed America

A new movie coming out in theatres on Friday, Chappaquiddick, is a tragic drama revealing the sordid details and political damage-control surrounding the night that Sen. Ted Kennedy’s (D-MA) car went off a bridge near Edgartown, Massachusetts, leading to the death of young Mary Jo Kopechne and devastating damage to Kennedy’s presidential ambitions.

Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick

Ann Coulter: The History of Sex in America, Part 1

Just as every new generation thinks it discovered sex, refusing to wonder how they came kicking and screaming into the world, apparently the new thing is for every generation to think it discovered sexual harassment. There have been tectonic shifts in Americans’ attitudes about sex, but the idea of thanking someone by sending him a prostitute with a note in her vagina is of relatively recent vintage.


Virgil: The Real Siberian Candidate and the Deep State

The American politician, a presidential aspirant, was explicit in his secret-but-audacious message to the Russian leadership in Moscow: Help me win the White House, and then, once I’m in the Oval Office, I will return the favor.
