Tea Party Patriots - Page 8

Ronald Reagan: Father of the Tea Party

We are still living in Ronald Reagan’s era, despite the constant refrains from Democrats and the left that Reaganism is long dead. As we observe his 100th birthday, it is also beneficial to point out that in many ways Reagan

I Still Love Barbara Streisand, Please Forgive Me

This week Barabra Streisand emerged from her self -imposed seclusion to grace Larry King and his viewers with her presence on the TV host’s penultimate broadcast. As the Los Angeles Times put it, the “interview” resembled more of an infomercial

Personal Is Personal, Even for a Congressman

For the past year, I have consciously avoided the occasional infighting and circular firing squads that have broken out among various conservative and tea party groups. The fight against the left was simply too important to waste time determining which

Tea Party Patriots National Tour: 10 Days to Go!

Tea Party Patriots National “Get Out The Vote” Tour: “With 10 Days until Election Day, Jenny Beth Martin and her team stopped in Independence, OH on Saturday 10-23 for a meet and greet at a sports tavern. The OH group

Tea Party Patriots National Tour: 11 Days to Go!

Tea Party Patriots National “Get Out The Vote” Tour. With 11 Days until Victory on Nov 2nd, Jenny Beth Martin Kicks off the 20 city tour in Chicago and nearby suburbs with the IL Tea Party Patriots. For more information

JournoLista Tumulty, now at WaPo, Keeps Her Bias Intact

I have written here several times recently about the all too visible partisanship of the Washington Post, but Karen Tumulty‘s lead article on Sunday (August 8), “In Va.’s 5th, incumbent Democrat Tom Perriello sees voter frustration firsthand,” takes the cake.

Where's the MSM When You Really Need Them?

While Chris Matthews is fretting about “the rise of the new right” in an upcoming June 16 MSNBC special that’s sure to be a paranoid, lunatic-fringe load of laughs, maybe he should include this footage of the scene outside Rep.

Michael Kinsley Can't See the Forest For the Teas

Tea Party Patriots, rejoice! With enemies like Michael Kinsley, who needs friends? Read between the sneering lines of Kinsley’s May 18th column in The Atlantic and you may just find an unintended love-letter to the very Tea Party Patriots he

Your Tool-Kit for Dealing with Tea Party 'Crashers'

Recently, a particularly bone-headed leftist threw up a website, recruiting fellow dunderheads to “crash” the tea parties. To be honest, I initially assumed it was a clever black-bag operation by someone affiliated with tea parties. The media is snipe-hunting for

About Those 'Racial Slurs:' Real News or Media Propaganda?

[youtube -SCs6pSE8_I&feature nolink] Fox News reported yesterday that black lawmakers alleged they were the targets of racial slurs, including the N-word, as they walked through Tea Party protesters into the Capitol. Today, the Washington Post reported the alleged incident, notably

TEA Party Patriots: Don't Go Home, Fight!

Before there were TEA Party activists, there were Freepers. Through my experience as a long-time Freeper, I learned the value of street activism, and its limitations. Capitol Confidential, in an essay posted at Big Government Monday, emphatically urges TEA Party