U.S. Citizen Kidnapped, Killed Leaving Mexican Border City Government Building
A group of gunmen kidnapped and killed a Texas man who had crossed into the Mexican border city of Reynosa to pay real estate taxes on some property he owed there.

A group of gunmen kidnapped and killed a Texas man who had crossed into the Mexican border city of Reynosa to pay real estate taxes on some property he owed there.
The terrorist organization known as the Gulf Cartel has once again killed an innocent victim who was caught in the middle of a shootout. The fatal shooting comes just days after terrorist Gulf Cartel gunmen shot and killed a woman and her two young grandchildren as they slept inside their house while rival gunmen clashed outside.
La organización terrorista conocida como el Cártel del Golfo ha vuelto a matar a una víctima inocente que quedó atrapada en medio de un tiroteo. El tiroteo fatal se produce pocos días después de que otros terroristas del Cártel del Golfo dispararan y mataran a una mujer y a sus dos nietos pequeños mientras dormían dentro de su casa mientras que afuera pistoleros rivales se estaban enfrentando.
Las organizaciones terroristas que operan con impunidad en el estado fronterizo mexicano de Tamaulipas siguen utilizando narco-minas para enfrentar a sus rivales, a pesar de que ya han matado a varias víctimas inocentes con ellas, incluido un ciudadano estadounidense.
Gunmen from the foreign terrorist organization known as the Gulf Cartel killed a woman and her two young grandchildren as they slept inside their home in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. The gunmen were clashing with a group of rivals and appeared to have shot into multiple dwellings.
Sicarios de la organización terrorista conocida como el Cártel del Golfo mataron a una mujer y a sus dos nietos pequeños mientras dormían dentro de su casa en la ciudad fronteriza de Reynosa. Los pistoleros se enfrentaban con un grupo de rivales y aparentemente dispararon contra varias casas.
Mexico’s top security official announced the arrest of a recently promoted member of the Cartel Del Noreste (CDN)faction of Los Zetas. The announcement came just moments after Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum spoke with U.S. President Donald J. Trump about border security and tariffs.
A Texas man and a friend he was traveling with in Mexico died when their vehicle exploded after driving over a cartel landmine. The fatal explosion comes after Breitbart Texas reported on prior explosions where innocents sustained injuries. The report forced Mexico’s government to confirm the issue and send out a series of notices warning locals about the use of cartel landmines on dirt roads in Tamaulipas.
The U.S. Consulate in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, issued a travel warning about drug cartels using land mines and other explosive devices in key border cities in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. After initially trying to conceal information about those devices and having previously tried to discredit previous alerts dealing with cartel kidnappings, the Tamaulipas government claimed to welcome the warnings and asked the public to be careful when moving through rural dirt roads.
El Consulado de los Estados Unidos en Matamoros envió una alerta de viaje para el estado fronterizo de Tamaulipas advirtiendo sobre el uso de minas terrestres y otros artefactos explosivos por parte de los cárteles de la droga en ciudades fronterizas clave.
The group of four suspected cartel members who fired at U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas this week was able to avoid capture after a tense standoff. Mexican authorities left the area, allowing the gunmen to walk away. Mexican authorities have since begun to deny the shooting in an attempt to minimize the violence in the region.
Authorities in Mexico discovered a small narco-camp on an island from where Los Zetas fired on U.S. agents. The discovery came when Mexican state police forces raided the island one day after the initial shooting.
After trying to hide information, the government of the Mexican state of Tamaulipas was forced to issue a series of warnings about the widespread use of cartel land mines and explosive devices in the northern part of the state. The warnings followed initial reporting by Breitbart Texas of a government vehicle striking a makeshift landmine near the state’s border with the U.S.
A group of cartel gunmen broke into the headquarters of Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. They spent hours stealing dozens of weapons and bricks of cocaine that had previously been seized and placed in evidence storage areas.
A new trend has surfaced in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas, where state police forces wait hours after cartel gunmen carry out any attack before responding. Mexican federal and military forces have already been doing this and sometimes do not even respond.
Mexican government officials tried to downplay a large-scale cartel shootout in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, that went on for hours. The shootout triggered a security warning from the U.S. consulate in that city.
Cartel gunmen continued to carry out numerous killings throughout the Mexican state of Tamaulipas while government officials shamelessly claimed crime had dropped and that impunity had ended.
A group of neighbors in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, brutally beat a man that they allegedly caught breaking into a home. The mob beat the man, and they tied him to a light pole before calling first responders. The man died shortly after from the injuries sustained.
A border state Mexican police officer is recovering in a local hospital after a group of cartel gunmen kidnapped him, tortured him, undressed him, and threw him in an irrigation canal.
Cartel gunmen continue carrying out targeted killings, engaging in shootouts, and setting up highway blockades with complete impunity. At the same time, government officials in the Mexican states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon try to deny the violence, claiming it is all mass hysteria.
A police officer from the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas faces a murder charge for his role in the killing of an underage teenager he allegedly mistook for a gunman. He and five other officers are also charged with planting evidence to cover up the incident.
A group of Gulf Cartel gunmen set fire to a state police armored vehicle after a violent shootout just south of the Texas border. The gunmen outnumbered and outgunned a squad of police officers. The officers were forced to run away after military and federal police forces (National Guard) refused to answer their calls for help.
A group of cartel gunmen kidnapped a Mexican border state senator and held him for hours, highlighting the control that criminal organizations continue to have in the state of Tamaulipas. The case details remain unknown, but relatives confirmed that the politician was home by Saturday morning. Unofficial information points to the gunmen releasing the politician, who made his way to a nearby house where he asked for help.
Authorities in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas have confirmed the discovery of two separate locations used by cartel gunmen to kill and incinerate the remains of their victims. Cartel crematoriums and clandestine gravesites have become almost commonplace in various parts of Mexico as criminal organizations try to avoid attention by not leaving bodies behind. The disposal of remains also allows government officials to hide the levels of violence by filing most cases as missing persons instead of murders or kidnappings.
Government officials in Mexico have been working to portray an image of peace in the border state of Tamaulipas by using doctored crime stats and making misleading statements to news outlets. In reality, several drug cartels have been waging fierce turf wars throughout the state. The violence rose exponentially in recent weeks as drug cartels have become more brazen.
Funcionarios gubernamentales en México han estado trabajando para presentar una imagen pacífica en el estado fronterizo de Tamaulipas falseando estadísticas del crimen y hacienda declaraciones engañosas a los medios de comunicación cuando en realidad, varios cárteles de la droga han estado peleando violentas guerras territoriales a lo largo del estado. La violencia se ha elevado de manera exponencial en semanas recientes y los cárteles de la droga se han vuelto más descarados.
Two top Los Zetas cartel commanders and nine of their gunmen received a 50-year prison sentence for their roles in the mass killing of over 120 victims in the border state of Tamaulipas. The victims were pulled off passenger buses, killed, and buried in shallow mass graves near the town of San Fernando.
Authorities in Mexico confirmed the disappearance of a U.S. citizen from Iowa who had been missing for several days after crossing the border. The disappearance comes at a time when government officials continue to claim that security conditions have been improving. However, criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel can operate with almost complete impunity.
State police officers could not assist a group of fellow cops under fire during a series of large-scale deadly attacks by cartel gunmen because their vehicles did not have enough fuel.
In yet another resounding example of the Mexican government’s inability to protect its citizens, a family in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, was forced to pay the Gulf Cartel approximately $40,000 USD for the release of their loved one. Government authorities could not help in the case, as relatives and activists were forced to plea to the dominant criminal organizations in the region to help.
The U.S. Department of State issued a new travel alert about cartel gunmen kidnapping American passengers from buses traveling through the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. The advisory comes even after Mexican border state officials dismissed a prior alert claiming the region has minimal crime statistics.
A Mexican border state official actively worked with the Gulf Cartel to lure a group of businessmen to a local restaurant where gunmen from the Gulf Cartel then threatened them and extorted them. The businessmen provide food-vendor services to various international manufacturing companies operating in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
Gulf Cartel gunmen ambushed a squad of police officers, killing two, in a Mexican border city that Tamaulipas government officials claim is safe. The killing comes after a full day of cartel blockades and shootouts that spread terror among locals.
El gobierno de México se ha esforzado por suprimir información acerca de la rampante violencia de cárteles que plaga una de sus principales ciudades fronterizas. La falta de información es empeorada aún más por una especie de mordaza a los medios de comunicación locales por el Cartel Del Golfo en la ciudad de Matamoros.
Mexico’s government continues to suppress information about the raging cartel violence that plagues one of its main border cities. The lack of information is further worsened by a gag order of sorts placed by organized crime on local news outlets in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
One of the top officials of a government-run university in the border state of Tamaulipas has resigned after a video widely shared on social media captured him sexually harassing a female media worker during a job interview.
La organización criminal terrorista conocida como Cartel Del Noreste, facción de Los Zetas, está detrás de los secuestros masivos de víctimas en un estado fronterizo mexicano, fuentes revelaron a Breitbart Texas. Sin embargo, en lugar de limitarse a personas que
Funcionarios gubernamentales del estado fronterizo de Tamaulipas están tratando de encubrir una explosión a gran escala que destruyó varios hogares, diciendo que fue causada por gas. Sin embargo, la explosión ocurrió en una casa de seguridad del cártel donde se guardaban armas y artefactos explosivos improvisados.
Government officials in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas are trying to cover up a large explosion that leveled several homes. Officials claim a gas leak caused the explosion. The explosion reportedly happened in a cartel stash house where they kept weapons and improvised explosive devices.
Un miembro de la Guardia Nacional de México murió y tres más necesitaron atención médica de emergencia después de haber consumido fentanilo en su día libre. Las autoridades han tratado de mantener el caso en secreto, sin embargo, esta situación apunta hacia la corrupción generalizada dentro de las fuerzas de seguridad mexicanas.