Supreme Leader

Iran Gets $215 Billion, West Gets Cheap Oil

The termination of nuclear sanctions means Iran will pocket about $215 billion in cash, sell another million barrels of oil a day (bpd), and produce 5 million more bpd within 10 years; while the West gets 20 years of cheap oil.

The Associated Press

Iran Stops Dismantling Uranium Centrifuges

President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran took another hit on Tuesday, as word arrived via Reuters that the Iranians have stopped dismantling centrifuges in two of their uranium enrichment plants.

Technicians work at a uranium processing site in Isfahan 340 km (211 miles) south of the I

Iran’s Humiliation Of Obama Continues: Sanctions Must End Instantly When Deal Signed

The worst thing about this farce, assuming it ends with sanctions restored and Obama babbling about how the Iranians messed up his beautiful deal, is that it always involved conceding precious legitimacy to the terror state. Iran wasn’t required to make any concessions on its fanaticism, embrace of terrorism, hatred of Israel, or even hatred of America. They were put on a glide path to nuclear weapons in 10 years or less, without agreeing to anything that would contradict the silly story they’ve been peddling for years about how they just want peaceful nuclear energy for civilian consumption.

Ali Khamenei

Ayatollah: ‘Their Goal Is Opposite to Ours’

This weekend, as the Obama administration continued to stress the importance of reaching a nuclear deal with Iran, Iran’s Supreme Leader continued to tweet—in English, no less—that Iran would never abide by a deal to the benefit of the United States.