Subway - Page 4

New York’s Summer Subway Crisis Puts More Pressure on Cuomo, De Blasio

NEW YORK CITY — Commuters in the Big Apple are having another rotten week after a track fire shut down four subway lines, pictures of which were plastered all over the front pages of the city’s newspapers Tuesday — putting more pressure on Democratic politicians in charge of making the trains run.

transit new york

NYC to Pay $16M for Illegals’ Lawyer Fees, Subways Held Together with Zip Ties

As left-wing Mayor Bill de Blasio designates millions of dollars of taxpayer money to pay the lawyer fees of illegal immigrants, New York’s failing subway system is falling into greater disrepair — with a state of emergency being declared by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and one straphanger spotting that her subway train was being held together with a zip tie.

Zip tie NYC Subway Car Twitter:@MsJaya_B

Jared Fogle Sues Parents of Child Porn Victim

Former Subway pitchman and convicted pedophile Jared Fogle has filed a lawsuit against the parents of one of one his victims, claiming they are at least partly responsible for the girl’s emotional distress and “destructive behavior.”


Jared Fogle’s Wife to File for Divorce

In addition to spending at least the next five years in prison for possessing and sharing child pornography, and traveling to have sex with underage girls, former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle will soon be a single man.

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Subway Sandwiches Fires Employee Who Cheered Hattiesburg Officers’s Deaths

Shortly after news broke of the deaths of Hattiesburg Police Officers Benjamin Deen and Liquori Tate, a woman wearing what appeared to be a Subway sandwich shop uniform wrote a Facebook post expressing her seeming joy over their deaths. News is now breaking that the woman’s store location was tracked down, and Subway has terminated her.
