students - Page 6

Leading Tories to Hide Overseas Students from Immigration Stats

Tory MPs and four prominent parliamentary committee chairmen are grouping together to pressure the prime minister into remove students from immigration statistics. Ignoring student arrivals would make it easier for the government to meet their target of slashing migration to


EXCLUSIVE: Students in Venezuela Not Feeling the Chavismo

CARACAS, Venezuela – Universities in America are usually known as hotbeds of left-wing activism, but at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCD), where education is free and socialist policies have been in place for nearly 20 years, many students are now looking to the right for answers.

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James Zumwalt: Raising a Generation of Overly-Protected “Bubble Children”

David Vetter, born in 1971 with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)—a hereditary disease dramatically weakening the immune system and incurable at the time—died at age twelve. Spending his short life living inside a plastic bubble that sought, unsuccessfully in the end, to protect him from the world of germs outside, he was dubbed “the bubble boy.”


Thousands of Wharton Students, Faculty Oppose Trump

Thousands of students at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School drafted and signed a letter in opposition to Donald Trump, who was awarded a degree in economics from the school in 1968 according to Business Insider.

Wharton School Tom MihalekAP

Offended Bronx Students Allow Principal to Cancel Ted Cruz

A group of charter school students offended by the “presence of Ted Cruz” wrote a letter in protest to a scheduled school event with the presidential candidate, accusing him of being “misogynistic, homophobic, and racist” and giving the school’s principal

Ted Cruz visits the Bronx Mary AltafferAP