Five and Six-Year-Old Children Injured During Swedish Gang Shooting
Two children aged six and seven were struck by ricocheting bullets just south of Stockholm near what police believe was a gang-related shooting.

Two children aged six and seven were struck by ricocheting bullets just south of Stockholm near what police believe was a gang-related shooting.
Swedish investigators are hunting a Dr Hammad Al-Saaid after he was alleged to be the ringleader in a false results corona testing scam.
Swedish police have arrested a man in his 40s on suspicion of being paid to smuggle a child into the country.
A report from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, has revealed that Sweden continues to see an increase in deadly shootings and now has the highest level in Europe.
Swedish authorities say that a couple suspected of planning terrorist offences fooled the country’s Migration Agency with false identities, claiming to be from Afghanistan when they are actually believed to be Iranians.
Sweden’s Karolinska hospital has stopped hormone treatment for children with gender dysphoria in new guidelines that warn of possible side effects.
A former employee of an LGBT association in Stockholm has been convicted of raping and sexually abusing multiple asylum seekers who had come to him for help.
The Swedish security police Säpo arrested two Afghans, a man and a woman, during the Easter holiday on suspicion of plotting a terror attack in Stockholm county.
The father of Swedish terror attack victim Ebba Akrlund has alleged that police questioned him after defending her gravesite from a woman he claimed was stealing objects from the cemetery.
Six new alleged victims have emerged in a case involving a former employee of a Stockholm LGBT group who has been charged with sexually assaulting and raping asylum seekers.
A former employee of the Stockholm branch of the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Rights (RFSL) has been charged over allegations he raped male asylum seekers.
The Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir is actively recruiting in the heavily migrant-populated no-go Stockholm suburbs of Rinkeby and Tensta.
A Syrian Christian claims that he lost his job at a warehouse in Sweden after he was asked by company management to take off a cross necklace and refused.
Two migration-background lawyers have been accused of leaking confidential police investigation information to one of Stockholm’s most notorious drug-dealing gangs.
An attacker threw three Molotov cocktails at a church in the no-go Stockholm suburb of Spånga-Tensta.
The Swedish capital city of Stockholm saw a record number of explosions and bombings in 2020 despite the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, according to police statistics.
Despite the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, Sweden is set to see a record year for fatal shootings as the number of people killed by firearms has already passed that of last year.
The Islamic Nyans Party are looking to cause an upset in upcoming municipal elections in the notorious Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby after recruiting a popular member of the local Somali community.
A portrait of Chinese communist leader Xi Jinping cast as ‘BAT MAN’ has been removed from a Swedish restaurant after users on social media complained that the satirical jab at Xi’s role in the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus was racist.
The populist Sweden Democrats (SD) have seen a surge in support in Stockholm, as another poll shows a rapid decline in national support for the current Social Democrat prime minister.
Fifteen Muslim congregations in Stockholm have demanded the government consider new laws to ban the burning of religious texts like the Quran and mocking faiths.
Swedish police are hunting for members of an anti-Islam group from Denmark who are alleged to have burned a copy of the Quran in Stockholm’s no-go Rinkeby suburb.
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has denied a link between migration and gang activity, after deputy national police chief Mats Löfving claimed gangs move to Sweden just to engage in crime.
Sweden now “has one of the lowest rates of infections even though it has never adopted a rigid lockdown,” announced the Italian daily Corriere della Sera Saturday.
A Swedish woman in her sixties was the victim of a stabbing on Friday afternoon, allegedly by a man who expressed hatred for white women.
Swedish police and civilian workers at a police station in the no-go Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby will receive police escorts to and from work to maintain their safety.
An Afghan migrant has died after being stabbed in a brawl in central Stockholm. Another two Afghans were knifed as well.
Sweden’s supreme administrative court has upheld an order for a Muslim youth group to repay government grants after it was ruled to not “respect the ideas of democracy”.
Several Swedish medical experts have slammed the government’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, stating that the death toll is “catastrophically high” as a report reveals herd immunity is likely not on the horizon.
A retirement home in the Swedish capital of Stockholm that is currently awaiting renovations will be turned into apartments for newly-arrived migrants.
Sweden, unlike its neighbors and the United States, did not impose a lockdown to stem the spread of the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak, but its capital Stockholm could still reach “herd immunity” within weeks, the country’s chief epidemiologist reportedly said this week.
More than 20 police officers with specialised crowd control training will be stationed at hospitals in the Swedish capital in case of unrest if intensive care beds run out.
Earlier this month an apartment in Östermalm was rocked by a large explosion. Now investigators claim the residence was used as a centre to distribute illegal drugs to wealthy clients.
A large-scale blast rocked an apartment in the no-go Stockholm suburb of Husby early Tuesday morning, cracking a load-bearing wall.
Independent journalist Joakim Lamotte has claimed that women working at Stockholm’s Kista Galleria shopping centre are quitting their jobs due to harassment from foreign men who refuse to be served by women.
Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson has slammed the ruling Social Democrats, saying the government has lost control of the country after a huge explosion rocked a Stockholm residential area.
More than one million Swedes are now taking medication for depression, while a study has found people in Stockholm feel insecure due to surging crime.
Swedish police arrested an illegal migrant this week after it was found he had been working in the secure area of Stockholm’s Arlanda airport despite having a deportation order.
Stockholm police have warned of the growing influence of the “Black Ax”, a Nigerian criminal gang connected to drug trafficking and prostitution involving illegal migrants.
Police working in the notorious no-go Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby have decried the situation in the area, claiming criminals laugh at Swedish laws.