FNC’s Hilton: Flatten the Curve — Not the Economy
On Sunday, Fox News host Steve Hilton opened his program warning of the economic and human costs of the total shutdown policy underway as a means of limiting the spread of coronavirus.
On Sunday, Fox News host Steve Hilton opened his program warning of the economic and human costs of the total shutdown policy underway as a means of limiting the spread of coronavirus.
Sunday on his Fox News Channel show “The Revolution,” Steve Hilton addressed the coronavirus pandemic and what Americans are being told by public health officials on television.
On his Fox News Channel program on Sunday, network host Steve Hilton called for an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, for corruption as laid out in Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite — a book by Peter Schweizer, a senior contributor at Breitbart News and the president of the Government Accountability Institute.
With the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump over, “let the investigation of Biden begin,” writes Fox News host Steve Hilton.
Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “The Next Revolution,” host Steve Hilton discussed Government Accountability Institute president and Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer’s report on the discrepancy between the rhetoric used when detailing the threats of climate change and the reality as described in the municipal bond disclosures in Oakland, CA.
Steve Hilton told Breitbart News that Joe Biden’s “personal corruption” includes “billions of dollars in bribes from the Chinese government.”
Appearing recently on the Fox News Channel’s “The Next Revolution” with Steve Hilton, President Donald Trump called for the Biden family to be investigated over their business links to the Chinese government revealed in Secret Empires, the New York Times bestselling book by Government Accountability Institute president and Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Peter Schweizer.
Steve Hilton said Joe Biden is “compromised by a foreign power,” drawing on Peter Schweizer’s investigation of Biden family ties to China.
Fox News Channel’s Steve Hilton, author of Positive Populism: Revolutionary Ideas to Rebuild Economic Security, Family, and Community in America, said Republicans must offer a “universal free market healthcare” plan to combat Democrats’ “Medicare for all” proposals.
During the Swamp Watch segment on the Sunday broadcast of his Fox News Channel show, “The Next Revolution,” Steve Hilton discussed the Government Accountability Institute’s new book, Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption. The book details how former FBI
The chairman of Britain’s oldest conservative think tank has slammed political strategist turned media pundit Steve Hilton for portraying himself as a Tea Party style anti-establishment figure, accusing him of being a liberal “moderniser” and RINO (Republican in name only).
Steve Hilton, Director of Strategy for the Tory Party under former prime minister David Cameron, believes Theresa May “should be resigning not seeking re-election”. The Fox News presenter accused the current Prime Minister of being “responsible for [the] security failures of London
Let’s pull ourselves together, give it one last push and make sure that in the most important battle most of us will ever have to fight it’s the good guys who end up triumphant.
The Prime Minister was told in 2012 his migration target was “impossible” while Britain remains in the EU, according to a former aide.
Just when you thought the scaremongering couldn’t get any worse, the leaders of the G7 nations have weighed in with their verdict on Britain’s EU referendum: apparently if the UK votes Leave it’s going to kill the global economy.
The EU is “arrogant and unaccountable”; EU membership makes Britain “literally ungovernable”; the EU is “anti-market” and “stifles competition with its statism, corporatism and bureaucracy”; it’s “perfectly obvious to everyone” that the EU is incapable of reform; Britain will be
In a severe shock to the Prime Minister, Steve Hilton— a former director of strategy for David Cameron famous for his informal dress and penchant for cycling — has publicly declared his support for leaving the European Union (EU), saying membership of the
Political analytics website Crowdpac has launched a new crowdfunding tool that allows any American–with any political ideology–to collect money to run for public office.
Small donors to President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign have flocked en masse to support Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 2016 presidential run.
Conservative speakers are far more likely to be disinvited from college commencements than liberal speakers, according to a predictive model developed by non-partisan political startup CrowdPac.