Steve Bannon - Page 3

BANNON ON BREXIT: It Was Breitbart London Wot Won It

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has lauded Breitbart London and former UKIP leader Nigel Farage for the key roles they played in the Brexit campaign. Speaking in a wide-ranging interview with The Spectator — one of a large number


Bannon in France: ‘History Is On Our Side’

PARIS (AP) — Former White House strategist Steve Bannon re-energised France’s Front National on Saturday by speaking at a party congress and telling Marine Le Pen’s nationalist supporters: “History is on our side.”


China’s Flamboyant Renegade Billionaire Battles Beijing from New York Penthouse

The New York Times published a lengthy profile on renegade Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui on Wednesday that paints a very odd portrait of a man who might be either the Communist Party’s worst nightmare, a sharp businessman using global politics to make a few bucks, or an eccentric with an appetite for media attention. Actually, none of those possibilities is exclusive, so he might be all three.

RFA Discussion - Guo Wengui a Chinese billionaire businessman turned political activist

Watch: SNL Cold Open Mocks Joe and Mika, Unveils Bill Murray as Steve Bannon

This week’s broadcast of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” cold open parodied MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” mocking the relationship between hosts Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski. In the skit, Scarborough, played by Alex Moffat, and Brzezinski, played by Kate McKinnon, discussed President Donald Trump’s reported


Stephen K. Bannon Steps Down from Breitbart News Network

Stephen K. Bannon has stepped down from Breitbart News Network, where he served as Executive Chairman since 2012. According to Breitbart CEO Larry Solov, “Steve is a valued part of our legacy, and we will always be grateful for his contributions, and what he has helped us to accomplish.”

Stephen Kevin "Steve" Bannon (born November 27, 1953) is an American former banker and fil