State Water Resources Control Board

Can Trump Deliver More Water to California’s Farmers?

President-elect Donald Trump has stated his commitment to helping California’s farmers attain more water, as the Golden State prepares to enter its historic sixth year of a crippling drought, with a federal water policy in place that favors fish over agriculture.

California Drought Lake McClure (Justin Sullivan / Getty)

California Misses Water Target as El Niño Fades

LOS ANGELES — California’s water conservation rate slid sharply in January, with the state failing to meet Gov. Jerry Brown’s mandatory 25 percent reduction order as the strong Pacific El Niño failed to deliver the rain necessary to provide a path out of devastating drought.

Dry mountains (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Drought: CA Water Saving Dips; Still on Target

California failed to meet its monthly water conservation target in October for the first time since Gov. Jerry Brown’s mandatory regulations took effect in June, but the state remains on track to meet the 25 percent overall reduction target required to be reached by February.

Kern River Bakersfield Drought (David McNew / Getty)

Drought: Water Savers Fined, Rich Get Free Reign

The number of penalties issued to water wasters during California’s record drought has decreased as most water agencies have successfully complied with a mandatory order to cut water use by 25 percent statewide. However, the state’s complex water management system has created a scenario in which individuals who have cut back the most are often fined, while rich super-users pay to consume as much water as they want.

Vigilante Group

‘Internet of Things’ is Exploding Across California

The “Internet of Things” (IoT) incorporates a dynamic array of technologies that mobilize sensors to monitor environmental conditions and radio-frequency identification RFID tags to facilitate objects interacting with users. California, with its high-tech industry, will lead the nation in IoT deployment.


Central Valley Furious as State Board Suspends Rare Water Deal

LOS ANGELES — The head of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), California’s main water governing body, has unilaterally suspended a plan for the Sacramento River that had won the rare approval of both farmers and environmentalists–and advocates for the drought-parched Central Valley are furious. Domain