Star Wars - Page 4

Hayward: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ and the Golden Age of Mega-Storytelling

“Avengers: Endgame” made over a billion dollars worldwide in its first weekend, shattering just about every record the Hollywood publicity machine bothers to keep. That’s because Endgame is more than just Part 2 of a single story, but the culmination of a 22-film series (plus a few short films and loosely-connected TV shows) that racked up almost $20 billion in combined ticket sales.

Avengers- Endgame Poster

Mark Hamill: Donald Trump Worse than Darth Vader

Star Wars star Mark Hamill pushed back against comparisons between President Donald Trump or former Vice President Dick Cheney and Darth Vader, pointing out that the latter eventually “saw the errors of his ways.”

Mark Hamill in Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017, Lucasfilm/Disney)

‘Solo’ Review: Too Forgettable to Ruin Your Childhood

Alden Ehrenreich has been given the unenviable task of stepping into the shoes of Harrison Ford, and please forgive my manners as I make an issue of the fact that Ehrenreich is noticeably too short, way too short to step in the shoes of anyone who is not a member of the Lollipop Guild.

Alden Ehrenreich appears in a scene from "Solo: A Star Wars Story" (Disney, 2018