
Lech Walesa Spy Drama Revives Polish Conspiracy Theory

Poland’s new right-wing leaders are using fresh allegations about Solidarity hero Lech Walesa to revive conspiracy theories that the communist-era regime staged its own demise in 1989 to hold onto power behind the scenes. In claims that Polish EU leader

Lech Walesa

Lech Walesa Admits ‘Mistake’, But Denies He Was Communist Spy

Solidarity freedom hero Lech Walesa admitted Friday he had “made a mistake”, but flatly denied he was ever a paid secret agent who collaborated with Poland’s communist regime amid fresh allegation triggered by newly-found files. Poland’s first post-communist president —

Lech Walesa

Poland’s Lech Walesa Was Communist Spy: Secret Police File

Solidarity freedom hero Lech Walesa was a paid secret agent who collaborated with Poland’s communist regime, according to newly-found documents revealed Thursday — triggering an angry denial from the man himself. Poland’s first post-communist president has long insisted such allegations

Lech Walesa

Muslim Women Decry Americans Donning Hijab in Solidarity: ‘Stand with Us…Against’ Sexist Islamism Ideology

In an op-ed at the Washington Post, Muslims Asra Q. Nomani and Hala Arafa are denouncing the left’s attempts to show “solidarity” with Muslims by inviting schoolgirls and women to don the hijab. Instead, they say Americans are getting “duped” by the Muslim sexist agenda and would rather see Americans stand against the ideology of Islamism that represses women and demands Muslim women cover themselves.


Passing for Black: Top Tips from Transracial Icon Rachel Dolezal

This week, a courageous civil rights champion by the name of Rachel Dolezal bravely revealed her true identity to the world: she is a black woman trapped in the body of a honky and has been tanning and getting weaves for the last ten years whilst president of her local NAACP chapter in order to live life as her authentic self and shake off her “crackersona.”