Snow White

‘Snow White’ (2025) Review: Gal Gadot Can’t Save This Dull, Charmless Woke-Bomb

The Disney Grooming Syndicate’s live-action remake of Snow White (2025) is something beyond bad. My hope was to surprise everyone with a rave review. That was not to be. Other than Gal Gadot, who is obviously enjoying herself while firing off double barrels of charisma as the Evil Queen, you could put this movie in a deep freeze and it would still stink.


Disney’s PR Poison ‘Snow White’ Premieres in Far-flung Location, With Limited Press, No Gal Gadot; ‘Disappointed’ Cast Member

Disney kicked off promotion in earnest for its troubled $300 million live-action remake — not with an extravagant, press packed red carpet event in Los Angeles, but — 5,700 miles away from Hollywood in Segovia, Spain, on Wednesday. Star Rachel Zegler and director Marc Webb attended the event that was limited to little press and no co-star in Gal Gadot. 

SEGOVIA, SPAIN - MARCH 12: Rachel Zegler at the European event for Disney’s "Snow W

Disney’s Woke ‘Snow White’ Trailer Trashed Hours After Release: ‘I Want the Queen to Win in This Version’

Disney released the second trailer for its $300 million (at least) live-action “Snow White” on Tuesday and within hours, thousands upon thousands of commenters were shredding the two minute advert. Many among the 12,000-plus critics are pointing to Snow White actor Rachel Zegler’s post-election comments, in which she wished for those who voted for President Elect Donald Trump to “never know peace.”
