Left-Wing Media: President Joe Biden Not Pro-Abortion Enough
Biden, who is arguably the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history, is not pro-abortion enough to satisfy the left-wing media.
![Protect Roe Rally at Howard Theatre](https://media.breitbart.com/media/2023/08/Biden-Abortion-420x315.jpg)
Biden, who is arguably the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history, is not pro-abortion enough to satisfy the left-wing media.
Left-wing media outlets that support the Democratic Party have a message to worried activists: stop complaining, because you’re stuck with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.
Liberals have been left seething by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s “victory lap” speech in Rome following as number of key decisions.
Far-left Slate indefinitely suspended one of its podcasters without pay, not for using the word “n***er,” but for engaging in a debate about the use of the word “n***er.”
This is just the latest in a growing call from the media and establishment left to criminalize politics, blacklist Trump supporters, and ruin people personally.
The left-wing Slate magazine insisted that “right wing moral panic” and Breitbart News helped fuel the widespread and bipartisan backlash against Netflix with its release of the film Cuties, the butt-shaking and crotch-grabbing drama Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard called “child porn” that will “whet the appetite of pedophiles & help fuel the child sex trafficking trade.”
“I find it no less jaw-dropping that a primary process with that initial makeup is likely to yield Joe Biden as the person most likely to be the Democratic nominee.”
Gervais knows nothing is funnier or more liberating than mocking a room full of people who can’t take a joke.
Slate reported in December that the Wikipedia article for 2020 Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg was created by Neehar Garg, a former volunteer for one of his state campaigns. While Garg admitted to Slate that he operated the accounts responsible for Buttigieg’s page, Wikipedia administrators used their advanced privileges to censor mentions of the report from both Buttigieg’s article and other parts of Wikipedia, claiming it was to protect Garg’s identity.
Rep. Devin Nunes said at an impeachment hearing on Tuesday that the media are Democrat puppets that perpetuate fake news about Trump.
Mitt Romney is so insecure and hungry for approval, but so cowardly and craven in not wanting to correct or criticize his abusers in the media directly,
Slate has taken up the mantra of collective guilt, insisting in an article this week that “all white Australians” are somehow implicated in the recent Christchurch mosque shootings.
A Slate reporter caled out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for using fake Bible quotes in her speeches for years.
The Internet once seemed poised to utterly destroy the establishment media. In an era where everyone with a phone and a social media account could reach an audience of millions, the need for professional journalists gatekeeping information seemed pointless.
Evangelical Protestants who support President Trump should be condemned for imposing “wickedness” on the nation, wrote Will Saletan for Slate on Sunday.
Leftist website Slate recently published an article titled “Alex Jones Gets to Declare a Real Info War Now” in which the publication described the actual censorship that Jones suffered while claiming that he has not really been prevented from airing his ideas.
Slate’s chief political correspondent Jamelle Bouie wrote in an opinion-editorial published Wednesday that journalists are on a mission to weaken the support of Donald Trump’s base.
After Los Angeles radio host Leeann Tweeden accused Sen. Al Franken of forcing his tongue down her throat and groping her while she slept, a Slate writer is calling on Franken to step down immediately as “a test of the Democratic Party’s consistency, honesty, and decency.”
Ben Mathis-Lilley of Slate.com accused Breitbart News’ of anti-Semitism Monday after Jewish Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein reported that National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster had worked with a George Soros-linked, U.K.-based think tank that supported the Iran nuclear deal.
Slate’s Christina Cauterucci claimed women won’t be equal until they murder more people before branding LGBT conservatives “queer villains” in an article Wednesday.
A Stanford University study shows the surges in handgun purchases that occur after a mass attack are characterized by a large number of female buyers and “first gun buyers.”
If you read through the world of left-wing clickbait Thursday afternoon, you may have seen a shocking story about a Jewish family chased out of town by anti-Semitic Breitbart readers because our site blamed them for shutting down a school’s Christmas play. Scary stuff — except that version of the story is 100% fake news.
Friday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Slate columnist Michelle Goldberg weighed in on President-elect Donald Trump’s victory tour thanking his voters, saying the rallies are “menacing and threatening” the majority of the people who did not vote for him in the
Jamelle Bouie, Slate’s chief political correspondent, writes that all of the voters who cast their ballot for Donald J. Trump voted for a racist so they don’t deserve empathy. Despite several days of anti-Trump rioting across the nation since the presidential election, Mr. Bouie is more concerned about reported harassment incidents by Trump supporters.
L.V. Anderson writes in Slate that the reported 53 percent of white women voters who voted for President-elect Donald Trump “sold out the sister and the world” for mostly racist reasons.
In an unguarded moment Monday, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said that conservative Justice Antonin Scalia occasionally made her so angry that she would have beaten him with a baseball bat if she could have.
Foremostly, the editor in chief of Foreign Policy magazine, David Rothkopf, is a Democrat who helped President Bill Clinton sign the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) while serving as U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade
Slate magazine has run a column suggesting that Juanita Broaddrick’s accusation of rape against Bill Clinton are “credible,” but Broaddrick goes too far in claiming that Hillary Clinton tried to keep her quiet about the alleged sexual assault.
New reporting on allegations that Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to sell access to major Clinton Foundation donors — charges first detailed in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash — have led to a flood of calls from left-wing and center-left media for the Clintons to shut down their multibillion-dollar charity.
Slate magazine on Sunday published “If You Want to Live Here, You Need to Live by the Rules Here,” a 5,000-plus word exposition of the Muslim migrant rape case in Twin Falls, Idaho. Author Michelle Goldberg subtitles her piece: “A sexual assault case involving refugee children in Idaho. A microcosm of America in the age of Trump.” That tells you all you need to know: Goldberg and Slate are using this case to demonize opposition to the Democrats’ suicidal policies regarding Muslim migrants.
Wikipedia bills itself as “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.” In reality, it’s a bureaucratic mess dominated by a small clique of established editors who exploit their position to bully, smear, and intimidate anyone who challenges their authority.
Michelle Goldberg in Slate frets that Donald Trump’s speech on Hillary Clinton was “unnervingly effective.”
Australia’s national women’s soccer team – hotly tipped for a medal at the Rio Olympics – has been thrashed 7-0 by a team of under-15-year-old boys. Students at Yale University have petitioned their English Department for a change of curriculum. They
The mainstream media and the political left are pushing back against a Breitbart News story: “Exclusive–Confirmed: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo.”
A Slate article titled “As of Today, Black Lives Matter Activists Can Point to a Thorough Police Brutality Reform Plan”—and another piece about the plan on liberal site Vox—are the latest media attempts to paint the radical anti-police Black Lives Matter movement as a reasonable political force.
Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has been winning over new fans with her no-nonsense, straightforward way of answering questions. So to attack her, the liberal website Slate included only part of a quote and ignored the context, attempting to paint Fiorina as an anti-vaccine nut.
Sony has revealed its slate of movies through 2017, and if you like reboots, remakes, and sequels, you’re in for a treat.
Josh Voorhees at Slate covers the raging controversy over Peter Schweizer’s upcoming book “Clinton Cash,” suggesting Hillary Clinton’s budding presidential campaign “should welcome mainstream outlets that are willing to do the legwork to verify or debunk” the claims brought up by Schweizer’s own investigation.
I can’t pretend to have read all 64 of the amicus briefs filed by outside parties in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court’s upcoming case on whether there is a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage. But I have read one brief closely–the one filed by “same-sex attracted men and their wives” against federalizing gay marriage. The logic is compelling, the stories riveting–and that is why the left is terrified of it, calling it “the worst” of “terrible” arguments against gay marriage.
On January 25, Slate magazine ran a column to disprove once and for all NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s talk about the need for Americans to arm themselves for self-defense.