
The Main Author of Wikipedia’s Steele Dossier Page Is a Russiagate Truther

Wikipedia’s page on the infamous dossier crafted by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele is heavily slanted in favor of treating the dossier as a credible document, despite it being debunked by multiple federal investigations. One reason for this bias is the page’s primary author, “Valjean” a.k.a. Paul Lee, who is also an active member of the anti-Trump “Resistance” on Twitter as “TheDudeSeesAll” and relentlessly pushes baseless claims on Wikipedia and social media that Trump is a Russian asset.


Trump Vows To Nix Paris Climate Treaty

Donald Trump has signalled an end to the United States’ disastrous flirtation with green crony capitalism by promising to nix the COP21 Paris climate treaty if and when he becomes US president. “I will be looking at that very, very

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests during a campaign stop at

Why I So Totally Love Being Called a ‘Climate Denier’

A New Mexico physicist has launched a petition – signed by 22,000 Klimate-Kool-Aid-drinkers, and counting – demanding that from henceforward climate sceptics be referred to in the media by their proper name. That proper name, apparently, is “climate deniers”. Among
