SJWs - Page 14

SXSW Caves To Pressure, Announces ‘Harassment Summit’

Digital media festival South By Southwest (SXSW) has caved to media pressure following their decision to cave to online threats last week. Two panels were cancelled last week: one on gaming culture and integrity in games media, and another on “harassment

Shelby Drummond/Flickr

The Left’s War on Comment Sections

The internet was born open but is becoming closed everywhere. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the rush to shutter readers’ comments sections at major news organisations.

computer keyboard

Why Online Anonymity frightens Progressives

The United States, as we know it today, was born in an anonymous debate. On September 27, 1787, an anonymous writer using the pen-name “Cato” wrote an essay for the New York press, criticising the proposed US constitution, which was then awaiting ratification by the states. Cautioning against an overly-powerful executive and the establishment of a standing army, the essay soon triggered a response from “Publius,” another pseudonymous author, who argued in favour of the new constitution. By then a third pesudonymous critic, “Brutus,” had also entered the debate.


Gamers and Developers the Big Winners as SJWs Jump the Shark at E3 2015

The Electronics Entertainment Expo — better known as E3 — is the highlight of the gaming calendar. As the biggest video game companies in the world gather in Los Angeles for a string of exclusive announcements, it’s a time of year when gamers put down their controllers and gaze eagerly at their newsfeeds.


Will Reddit Revolt Against Ellen Pao?

When failed discrimination plaintiff Ellen Pao was appointed CEO of Reddit last January, many predicted that it would herald a new age of censorship on the link-sharing and discussion site. Those predictions appear to have come true, as a number of communities on the site (known as “subreddits”) have just been unilaterally shut down.

Former Kleiner partner Pao arrives at San Francisco Superior Court in San Francisco

Renowned Author Calls Out Randi Harper’s Amazon Trolling

Bogus reader reviews have long been a problem for websites like Amazon and Goodreads. Intended as a mechanism to allow readers to dabble in literary criticism, their accessibility has left them vulnerable to political and personal vendettas. Despite the efforts of Amazon to stamp out

Royal Mail Processes Final Mail For Christmas Deadlines