UK: Pakistani Doctor Who Blamed ‘Different Cultural Norms’ for Sexual Assault on Nurse Keeps His Job
Convicted sex offender Imran Rauf Qureshi will not be struck off for his attack on a student nurse.

Convicted sex offender Imran Rauf Qureshi will not be struck off for his attack on a student nurse.
The Department of Justice initiated proceedings Tuesday to strip the citizenships of five more immigrants who lied about sex offenses against minors when they applied for naturalization.
A Florida sheriff is warning that sex offenders and people with warrants out for their arrest who seek refuge from Hurricane Irma at a shelter will be arrested.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday that a North Carolina statute that prevents registered sex offenders from accessing social media sites where children are known to be online violates the First Amendment.
The Australian government is planning to revoke the passports of child sex offenders as part of a new law aimed at cracking down on pedophiles that engage in child sex tourism.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials working in the Tucson Sector seized two vehicles, several illegal aliens, and hundreds of thousands of dollars-worth of methamphetamine and marijuana.
Immigration officials released nearly 600 convicted sex offender illegal aliens back onto U.S. streets, many because their home countries refused to accept their deportation.
Immigration officers arrested eight foreign nationals with previous sex offense convictions. The arrests occurred during a two-day targeted enforcement operation.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether a North Carolina law banning sex offenders from social media sites like Facebook is unconstitutional.
ICE officers arrested and detained 41 criminal illegal immigrants in New York City, New York, which prides itself on being “sanctuary city.”
U.S. Border Patrol Agents apprehended two illegal immigrants who were previously convicted sex offenders at the Texas border.
A new report has revealed that Pokémon Go has not yet implemented an algorithm to prevent mostly young players of the popular app from roaming into areas where there are registered sex offenders.
The newly released Pokemon Go app is a huge hit so far. The game allows users to virtually hunt and capture Pokemon from their phones. The popular game has already been linked to robberies and the discovery of a dead body.
On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 953, the “Racial and Identity Profiling Act of 2015,” into California Law.
“Every day it seems there is more disturbing news about holes in our immigration system. There is no question that illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes should be entered into the Sex Offender Registry, but in reality they should be deported,” Barletta said in a statement to Breitbart News.
Chris Leydon, who produced video content for technology news blog Tech City News and was a freelance video editor for the Guardian newspaper, has been found guilty of four counts of making indecent images of children. The jury could not reach a verdict