sex education - Page 3

California Schools Struggle to Teach LGBT History

The FAIR Education Act, which forces California public schools to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) contributions to children’s history classes, has left schools struggling to figure out how to implement the mandate with little guidance from the state, according to

Schoolgirl 1955 (Orlando / Hulton Archive / Getty)

Disabled Sex Education Books Created For Schools

A series of explicit sex education textbooks have been launched in Sweden, specifically aimed at youngsters with special needs. The books cover sex, puberty and masturbation for the disabled. Sweden is one of the most “progressive” nations on earth when

Sex Education

Fresno Unified Dropped Sex Ed, May Reinstate It

The Fresno Unified School District, the nation’s fourth-largest, with roughly 73,000 students, has no comprehensive sex education program in place after dropping an earlier, controversial program. In response, Fresno Barrios Unidos, a teen and parent health organization, and the ACLU of Northern California have expressed their desire to implement a sex education program. In December 2013 they held a gathering calling for the district to improve its sex education curriculum.

David Jones/PA Wire URN:21969286/AP