Settlements - Page 2

Palestinian Authority Media Likens Trump to Hamas

TEL AVIV – The American people made a historic mistake in democratically electing President Donald Trump just as the Germans did when they elected Hitler and Gaza Palestinians did with their election of Hamas, a Palestinian columnist said, joining a chorus of Palestinian commentators who are slamming the new president as a “fascist,” “lunatic,” and “megalomaniac.”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during an interview with the Associa

Israel Greenlights 3000 More West Bank Jewish Homes

With the evacuation of the Amona outpost looming, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Tuesday approved the construction of around 3,000 new homes in the West Bank, some of them outside settlement blocs Israel hopes to keep in a future peace deal with the Palestinians.

Thai laborers work in the construction of new house units in the Maaleh Hazeitim settlemen

UK Refuses to Sign Paris ‘Peace’ Summit Declaration

TEL AVIV – In a dramatic development following the Paris peace summit on Sunday, the United Kingdom refused to sign a joint declaration calling for a two-state solution, saying the document may “harden” the Palestinian stance for negotiations.


Poll: Most Israelis Believe Trump Will Be Friendly To Israel

JERUSALEM – A majority of Israeli Jews support settlement construction and believe President Barack Obama to have been “unfriendly” towards Israel during his tenure, a new survey published in the wake of the anti-settlements United Nations Security Council shows.
