Sergey Lavrov - Page 3

Russian Foreign Minister: Turkey Was Never Our Ally

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov categorically dismissed the classification of Turkey as an “ally” of Russia in an interview Wednesday after the two nations found themselves on opposing sides of yet another proxy war, this time in the Caucasus.


Russians Help Turkey Push Kurds out of Northern Syria

The Kremlin issued a warning to Kurdish forces on Wednesday that they must withdraw from the Turkish border region immediately, or else “Syrian border guards and Russian military police officers will have to pull back,” leaving the Kurds to be “run over by the Turkish military machine.”

putin erdogan

Russia Urges Syrian Kurds to Ally with Assad

Russia will urge Kurdish authorities in northern Syria to open talks with Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Damascus, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday amid an ongoing Turkish invasion of Kurdish-controlled areas.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is seen ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin a

Russia Claims John Kerry Secretly Approved of Crimea Invasion

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Russian media on Thursday that former Secretary of State John Kerry approved of Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, believing the residents were overwhelmingly in favor of “reuniting” with Russia. According to Lavrov, Kerry’s main criticism of Russia’s actions was to suggest holding another referendum to reinforce the legitimacy of annexation.

U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA) listens to opening statements from fellow Senate Committee

Russia: Change In Golan Heights Status Must Go Through U.N. Security Council

TEL AVIV – Days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the Golan Heights was sovereign Israeli territory and should be recognized as such but the international community, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that changing its status constitutes a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

UN chief calls for immediate de-escalation in Syria