Secret Service - Page 10

Dept of Homeland Security Inspector General Treating Leaks Selectively

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General John Roth, an Obama appointee, is treating the February 24 leak of a draft DHS document central to the separate decisions by two federal judges revoking President Trump’s travel ban on March 15 differently than he did the April 2, 2015 unauthorized leak of private information about Rep. Jason Chaffetz from the employment files of the Secret Service.

whispering, leaking-AFPGetty

Exclusive: Insane to Release an ‘Insane’ Hinckley, Says Reagan’s Personal Aide

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute issued a statement Wednesday on the Hinkley release: “John Hinckley is responsible for the shooting of President Reagan and three other brave men. One died two years ago from the wounds he received. Contrary to the judge’s decision, we believe John Hinckley is still a threat to others and we strongly oppose his release. They are all lives that matter dearly to us.”

President Ronald Reagan Waves To Onlookers Moments Before An Assassination Attempt By John

After Dallas, Orlando, Baton Rouge … Will the RNC be Safe?

The convergence of anti-Trump protesters, Black Lives Matters groups and leftists, has raised questions about safety at the Republican National Convention. The execution of officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, Black Lives Matter protests after police shootings, and Islamic terrorist attacks in Orlando and France, has only heightened concerns.

Police cars sit at a checkpoint amid preparations for the arrival of visitors and delegate

Former Secret Service Officer Gary Byrne Fires Back at ‘Vindictive’ Attacks on the Credibility of His Clinton Exposé

Appeared on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM to discuss his new book “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate,” Gary Byrne offered a detailed response to critics who have questioned how an officer in his position could have observed the incidents he describes in the book.


Former Secret Service Officer Gary Byrne: Hillary Clinton Is ‘the Ultimate Jekyll and Hyde’

Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne told Sirius XM host Stephen K. Bannon on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily that he wrote his controversial new book Crisis of Character, about his time working in Bill Clinton’s West Wing, in part because he thought it was important to give American voters a clear look at Hillary Clinton’s character before the 2016 presidential election.

Adam Berry, Scott Olson/Getty Images