school vouchers - Page 2

School Choice Proponents Target ‘Know-Nothing’ Anti-Catholic Amendments

School choice supporters are urging the relocation of a portrait of Massachusetts nativist “Know-Nothing” Party Gov. Henry Gardner from its place of prominence in the State House. As their reason, they cite bigotry inherent in two amendments to the state’s Constitution based on his Party’s anti-Catholic sentiment in the mid-nineteenth century.


Republican Platform: The Constitution Gives Federal Government ‘No Role in Education’

The Republican platform affirms the primary role of parents as educators in a child’s life, and supports a constitutional amendment to protect the right of parents to direct their children’s education from the overreach of federal and state governments and from potential international intruders such as the United Nations. It also upholds “parent-driven accountability at every stage of schooling,” and recognizes the value of local control of education.

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 19: on the second day of the Republican National Convention on July

Marco Rubio Makes Opposition to Common Core And Vocational Education Key Issues In Pitch To Voters

While on the campaign trail, Rubio has commanded the attention of parents who have opposed the Common Core standards and the federal intrusion into local education that has come with the reform. In addition, he has honed in on the issue of rising college education costs coupled with massive student debt and yet often no jobs for college graduates to show for it.

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks at a town hall at Fish

Why Homeschoolers Don’t Want School Vouchers

The sobering reality that further entanglement with the Common Core standards and tests could come along with school vouchers is underscored by the fact that Common Core champions Bill Gates, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Jeb Bush are all major supporters as well of school voucher programs and charter schools.

AP/Coeur d'Alene Press, Shawn Gust

Study: School Choice Vouchers Help Minority Students and Those Born in U.S.

A new study published in the Journal of Public Economics and discussed in a press release at the Harvard Kennedy School provides the first observed estimates on the long-term impact of school voucher programs that allow parents to choose the education setting of their children. Vouchers were found to be particularly beneficial to low-income, minority students.

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Record Numbers to Celebrate National School Choice Week

National School Choice Week began as an annual celebration in 2011, with only 150 events. Since then, it has grown exponentially, and a record 10,100 events are planned for January 2015 to raise awareness of the benefits of alternative education, which supporters call a matter of “simple justice.”
