school choice - Page 5

‘Community Schools’ Bill Hopes to Derail Texas Charters

One Texas lawmaker’s bill, if passed during the 2017 legislative session, stands to derail school choice options for failing campuses by taking them down a progressive community schools path and bypassing existing options that include re-purposing a campus as a public charter school.

Nine Indiana Schools Close After Bomb Threats

David Horowitz: Steve Bannon, Civil Rights Hero

School choice is now a presidential priority. It could never have happened without Steve Bannon. When the history of the 21st Century civil rights movement is written Steve Bannon’s name will have a special place in its pantheon of heroes.


School Choice Proponents Target ‘Know-Nothing’ Anti-Catholic Amendments

School choice supporters are urging the relocation of a portrait of Massachusetts nativist “Know-Nothing” Party Gov. Henry Gardner from its place of prominence in the State House. As their reason, they cite bigotry inherent in two amendments to the state’s Constitution based on his Party’s anti-Catholic sentiment in the mid-nineteenth century.


Republican Platform: The Constitution Gives Federal Government ‘No Role in Education’

The Republican platform affirms the primary role of parents as educators in a child’s life, and supports a constitutional amendment to protect the right of parents to direct their children’s education from the overreach of federal and state governments and from potential international intruders such as the United Nations. It also upholds “parent-driven accountability at every stage of schooling,” and recognizes the value of local control of education.

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 19: on the second day of the Republican National Convention on July