‘SNL’ Star Pete Davidson Tells Trump: ‘F*ck You, B*tch’
Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson responded to Donald Trump’s criticism of the program, firing off a short, terse message to the President-elect on social media on Sunday.

Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson responded to Donald Trump’s criticism of the program, firing off a short, terse message to the President-elect on social media on Sunday.
During the “Weekend Update” on this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” co-host Michael Che mocked Breitbart News over President-Elect Donald Trump’s selection of former Breitbart executive chairman to be his chief strategist. Che joked that Breitbart has been called sexist, racist and a
During this week’s Saturday Night Live cold open, Alec Baldwin acting as President-elect Donald Trump freaked out when it came time to discuss his policies. Baldwin’s Trump had to search Google to find out what ISIS is. Once he learned
A sketch during this week’s broadcast of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” portrayed an election night watch party as some Democrats may have last Tuesday, given Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was a heavy favorite. The Clinton supporters in the sketch started
This week, “Saturday Night Live” guest host and comedian Dave Chappelle delivered a stand-up routine addressing Donald Trump’s presidential election victory. Chappelle said, “America’s done it. We’ve actually elected an internet troll as our president.” “Donald Trump, he did it. He’s our
In the first “Saturday Night Live” since Donald Trump was elected as President Barack Obama’s successor, Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton covered recently deceased Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” “Hillary” concluded the cold open by saying, “I’m not giving up, and neither should
This week on “Saturday Night Live,” comedian Dana Carvey returned as Church Lady, who weighed in on the 2016 election. Church Lady supposed “Weekend Update” co-host Colin Jost would be writing in Satan, and added she was undecided because “Jesus
As part of their celebration tour, 2016 World Series champs Chicago Cubs players Anthony Rizzo, David Ross and Dexter Fowler, along with former SNL cast member and Cubs fan Bill Murray, sang “Go Cubs Go” on this week’s broadcast of
During this week’s “Saturday Night Live” cold open, Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump and Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton discussed the final days of the election cycle. “Clinton” lamented over the investigation into her emails while “Trump” mouth-kissed an agent
During their opening sketch, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” parodied the final presidential debate between Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The debate began with Clinton sharpening two large knives before saying she would
Actor Alec Baldwin’s parody of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is a hit with viewers, but his younger brother Stephen Baldwin doesn’t find it all that amusing.
Donald Trump weighed in on Saturday Night Live’s repeated attacks on him on Sunday, tweeting that the “boring and unfunny” long-running NBC variety show should finally “retire.”
This week’s “Saturday Night Live” Cold Open was a re-creation of the second presidential debate from St. Louis between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In the skit, Kate McKinnon portrayed Clinton as being robotic and having practiced her responses, while Alec
During this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” Kate McKinnon portrayed what an off day looks like for Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. “Conway” was continuously interrupted while enjoying her personal time in order to defend Trump’s newest headline to Beck Bennett
This week on “Saturday Night Live,” Alec Baldwin acting as Donald Trump defended his vulgar comments that were picked up on a hot mic in 2005. “Are you not entertained?” he asked. Baldwin’s Trump repeated the GOP presidential nominee’s comments from
In the “Weekend Update” on the season premiere of “Saturday Night Live,” co-hosts Michael Che and Colin Jost weighed in on the Colin Kaepernick national anthem protest. According to Che, the national anthem is for “white guys,” and he would
This week’s “Saturday Night Live” featured a mock-“Family Feud” with Team Trump facing off against Team Hillary. Team Trump consisted of Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, Chris Christie and Vladimir Putin while Team Hillary featured Bill Clinton, Sarah Silverman, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Bernie
During the premiere of “Saturday Night Live’s” 42nd season, Alec Baldwin re-created the first Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton debate along with Kate McKinnon. As Hillary Clinton, McKinnon entered the debate stage with a coughing fit. Baldwin as Trump mimicked the way
With time running out to stop Trump’s campaign, reinforcements arrived this week — in the form of Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes and Alec Baldwin.
Alec Baldwin will play Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on the upcoming 42nd season of Saturday Night Live, with a promotional video released Wednesday offering viewers the first chance to see the actor take on the role.
Newly announced Saturday Night Live cast member Melissa Villaseñor — the first Latina cast member in the show’s four-decade history — has come under fire for apparently deleting thousands of tweets from her social media account that critics have deemed racist.
NBC’s brand-new variety sketch show Maya and Marty wasted little time turning political by featuring a skit in its first episode bashing the wives of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and former candidate Sen. Ted Cruz.
During the May 21 “Weekend Update” on Saturday Night Live, hosts Michael Che and Colin Jost mocked Donald Trump for claiming Hillary Clinton wants to ‘abolish the Second Amendment.’
During the “Saturday Night Live” season finale, Larry David returned to his role of Bernie Sanders at the bar with Hillary Clinton, played by Kate McKinnon. As the bar was coming to a close for the night, “Bernie” refused to leave.
NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” offered up a new third-party presidential candidate for conservatives to choose instead of GOP nominee Donald Trump. The alternative ended up being Dick Patterson, a successful businessman who worked for former President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s
This week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC opened with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, played by Darrell Hammond, who was assisted with selecting his vice president by Bobby Moynihan‘s Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ). After sorting through a handful of potential candidates like
“Saturday Night Live” introduced a Hillary Clinton “President Barbie” in a fake ad on this week’s airing of the show. The girls given the doll were not interested in playing with the Clinton doll, saying “it feels like she’s trying too hard.”
“Church Chat” returned on this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” with Dana Carvey rekindling his old role as Church Lady. Church lady described Ted Cruz, played by Taran Killam, as “a little bit preachy.” Killam as Cruz said “everything that happened was
NBC’s Saturday Night Live is cutting down on commercials for its upcoming forty-second season, and will feature more sponsored content from advertisers who will partner with the show for “branded sketches,” according to Deadline.
Sen. Ted Cruz hit the campaign trail in both Pennsylvania and Indiana on Saturday bringing his campaign message to Pittsburgh, Plainfield and Indianapolis with a new joke based on Trump’s criticism of North Carolina’s new transgender bathroom law.
Actor-singer Pat Boone ripped Saturday Night Live over its recent anti-Christian fake movie trailer, “God is a Boob Man,”on Monday, pointing out that the program would never have the guts to air a similar skit lampooning Islam or Mohammad.
“Saturday Night Live” released a skit that did not make the cut this weekend. It was a fake ad by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, played by Taran Killam, who insisted he would definitely not accept his party’s nomination. “I do
Kenan Thompson and Jay Pharoah played NBA Hall of Famers Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal on this week’s “Saturday Night Live.” The two appeared during the “Weekend Update” segment to discuss the retirement of Los Angeles Laker star Kobe Bryant, but it
Saturday Night Live took aim at religious Christians this weekend with a parody movie trailer that spoofed popular faith-based films like the recently-released God’s Not Dead 2.
This week’s “Saturday Night Live” was hosted by “Seinfeld” star Julia Louis-Dreyfus. The cold open was a remake of the Democratic presidential debate held this week in Brooklyn, NY. Larry David, a “Seinfeld” producer, played Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), while
Veep star Julia Louis-Dreyfus confessed that the three years she spent as a regular cast member on Saturday Night Live didn’t leave her with a “deep sense of happiness” because the SNL set was “a very sexist environment.”
In this week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC, Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton delivered a message to her supporters after a string of primary losses to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). McKinnon’s Hillary said the recent losses “humanizes” her, making her
This week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC opened with hitting GOP front-runner Donald Trump surrogate Scottie Neil Hughes and Trump himself over his issues with women with a parody of Hughes’ CNN interviews. Cecily Strong, playing the role of Hughes, lampooned Hughes
This week on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” Kate McKinnon as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoofed an ad mocking Clinton’s desperate attempts to get votes. In the ad, McKinnon’s Clinton sounded eerily like her fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
This week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC opened with faux-CNN campaign coverage. Beck Bennett, playing the role of CNN host Jake Tapper, cut to the Dr. Ben Carson endorsement of GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump. Darrell Hammond, playing Trump, said,