Saturday Night Live (SNL) - Page 11

SNL’s Che: Breitbart Isn’t a News Site

During the “Weekend Update” on this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” co-host Michael Che mocked Breitbart News over President-Elect Donald Trump’s selection of former Breitbart executive chairman to be his chief strategist. Che joked that Breitbart has been called sexist, racist and a

Watch: SNL Cold Open Shows Trump Mouth-Kissing FBI, Putin, KKK

During this week’s “Saturday Night Live” cold open, Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump and Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton discussed the final days of the election cycle. “Clinton” lamented over the investigation into her emails while “Trump” mouth-kissed an agent

Watch: SNL Parodies Final Presidential Debate

During their opening sketch, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” parodied the final presidential debate between Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The debate began with Clinton sharpening two large knives before saying she would


Watch: SNL Re-Creates Second Trump-Clinton Presidential Debate

This week’s “Saturday Night Live” Cold Open was a re-creation of the second presidential debate from St. Louis between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In the skit, Kate McKinnon portrayed Clinton as being robotic and having practiced her responses, while Alec

Watch: SNL’s Portrayal of Kellyanne Conway’s Day Off

During this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” Kate McKinnon portrayed what an off day looks like for Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. “Conway” was continuously interrupted while enjoying her personal time in order to defend Trump’s newest headline to Beck Bennett

snl conway

SNL’s ‘Weekend Update’ Mocks National Anthem

In the “Weekend Update” on the season premiere of “Saturday Night Live,” co-hosts Michael Che and Colin Jost weighed in on the Colin Kaepernick national anthem protest. According to Che, the national anthem is for “white guys,” and he would

Time Magazine Colin Kaepernick

Watch: SNL’s ‘Trump’ Chooses Carson Over Christie as VP

This week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC opened with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, played by Darrell Hammond, who was assisted with selecting his vice president by Bobby Moynihan‘s Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ). After sorting through a handful of potential candidates like

ben carson

Watch: ‘SNL’ Lampoons Charles Barkley, Shaq

Kenan Thompson and Jay Pharoah played NBA Hall of Famers Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal on this week’s “Saturday Night Live.” The two appeared during the “Weekend Update” segment to discuss the retirement of Los Angeles Laker star Kobe Bryant, but it

shaq barkley

‘SNL’ Mocks Dem Debate, ‘Seinfeld’ References Aplenty

This week’s “Saturday Night Live” was hosted by “Seinfeld” star Julia Louis-Dreyfus. The cold open was a remake of the Democratic presidential debate held this week in Brooklyn, NY. Larry David, a “Seinfeld” producer, played Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), while

SNL Mocks Trump Surrogate in Cold Open

This week’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC opened with hitting GOP front-runner Donald Trump surrogate Scottie Neil Hughes and Trump himself over his issues with women with a parody of Hughes’ CNN interviews. Cecily Strong, playing the role of Hughes, lampooned Hughes