Sarah Palin - Page 8

Donald Trump Is a ‘PINO’ — Populist in Name Only

As he often does, Rush Limbaugh said something important on his January 21 show: he observed that nationalism and populism were overtaking conservatism, and that the conservative elite did not like that at all, not one little bit.

Charles Krupa/AP Photo

Limbaugh: ‘Trump Coalition’ an Offshoot of the Tea Party Movement

On his Thursday broadcast, conservative talk show Rush Limbaugh offered his analysis what has led certain elements to gravitate toward Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, including former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK), the 2008 GOP vice-presidential nominee. According to Limbaugh, what


Donna Brazile: Palin a Liar for Saying Obama Disrespects Veterans

Wednesday night on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” while discussing Sarah Palin at a Donald Trump rally in Tulsa, OK addressing her son’s post-traumatic stress in light of his recent arrest, Democratic strategist Donna Brazile called Palin a liar. When asked about

Donna Brazile

The Atlantic: How Palin Created Trump

Molly Ball writes in the Atlantic: “Like no one else before Trump, Palin saw a constituency on the right for a politics of resentment that sought as its champion a pure agent of chaos, unfettered by positive or substantive views… Trump, like Palin, is playing to a populist, antiestablishment politics of white working-class cultural resentment.”

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, right, endorses Republican presidential candidate Donald T

Bombshell Report: More than Half a Million Migrants Overstayed Visas In 2015

A bombshell new Department of Homeland Security report was released today that could further define the 2016 race around the issue of national sovereignty. The report documents refusal of approximately half a million foreign aliens to return to their home countries after being admitted to the United States on a temporary basis for work or tourist purposes.


Cruz and Beck Join Forces at Waterloo to Campaign

Glenn Beck lit into former Alaska governor Sarah Palin after her endorsement today of GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. The radio host then announced that he would be joining Sen. Ted Cruz this weekend for a campaign rally in Waterloo, Iowa.

Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images

Breitbart News Daily: The Palin Factor

On the January 20, Breitbart News Daily show, on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM EST, host and Breitbart News Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will interview a number of guests. There will be a complete analysis and discussion of the most important endorsement to date in the 2016 Republican race with live reports from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.


Bristol Palin Blasts Cruz, Hopes Mom Endorses Trump

UPDATE: A number of news sources are reporting that Governor Palin has officially endorsed Donald Trump. Writing at her Patheos Blog, Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, lashed out at Ted Cruz Tuesday and expressed her hope

bristol palin

Sarah Palin: Marco Rubio ‘Robotic’

Sarah Palin played a word-association game where Tapper mentioned a name and Palin responded with the first thing that came to her mind. When asked about Rubio she described him as “robotic.”

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin addresses the 42nd annual Conservative Political Action