Sarah Palin - Page 6

Donald Trump, a Good Sport from Way Back

The first time I attended a professional football game two USFL squads rather than NFL franchises played. The Michigan Panthers and the New Jersey Generals collided in the Garden State, and for a boy who had never been to a game until then, it may as well have been the Super Bowl.

The Associated Press

Sarah Palin to Go ‘Rogue’ for Trump in Michigan

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will campaign for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump over the next several days in Michigan and North Carolina, and will join him on Election Night, according to NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O’Donnell.

Sarah Palin 2008 (Associated Press)

Sarah Palin: Obama’s Right; ‘the Trump Movement Began in 2008’ When ‘the Silenced Majority’ ‘Found Their Voice’

In a statement to Breitbart News, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin responded to President Obama’s comments in a recent interview with New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait that he sees “a straight line” starting from Palin’s vice presidential nomination in 2008 to the rise of the tea party movement and ultimately to the candidacy of Donald Trump.


Obama: ‘I See a Straight Line’ from Sarah Palin to Donald Trump

Louis Nelson in Politico notes President Obama’s comments in a recent interview with New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait, in which Obama says that he sees “a straight line” starting from the vice presidential nomination of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin to the rise of the tea party movement to the candidacy of Donald Trump.


Politico: Glenn Beck’s ‘Bad Bet on Cruz’ a Crushing Blow to His Media Empire

Kenneth Vogel and Hadas Gold write in Politico about the latest trouble to strike Glenn Beck’s media empire, as Beck and one of his advertisers sue each other over unpaid bills and claims that the radio talker’s endorsement of Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and increasingly shrill denunciations of Donald Trump alienated his audience. Politico notes that Beck’s diminished relevance is juxtaposed by the rising influence of Breitbart News, which — along with Matt Drudge, Sarah Palin, and Sean Hannity — Beck has repeatedly attacked during this election cycle.


Rush Limbaugh: ‘The Media Has Gone All Palin on Trump Now’

Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said the mainstream media was now turning on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the same manner they went after 2008 Republican Party vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Partial transcript


10 Top Republicans Sitting Out the RNC Convention

Trump-resistant and election battling Republicans including two former Presidents, two former Republican nominees, and several former 2016 presidential hopefuls are offering up excuses for why they will not attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week, notably among them a break with a history of former Presidents attending their party’s convention.

George and George Bush

Breitbart News Sunday: Sarah Palin, Dakota Meyer, Milo

On Breitbart News Sunday this evening on SiriusXM 125 The Patriot Channel from 7 to 10 p.m. ET, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow will recap the explosive news week that included the Hillary Clinton/James Comey hearing and the assassination of police officers at a Black Lives Matter rally.


Palin: I Call Republicans Against Trump What They Are: ‘RAT’

Friday at the Western Conservative Summit 2016 in Denver, CO, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK), the 2008 GOP vice-preisidential nominee, defended presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump by saying Republicans against Trump are RATs. Palin said, “Well darn right voters


Mediaite: Sarah Palin Incites Hatred by Lying About Obama’s Hiroshima Apology

In between goosing the crowd during her introduction of presumptive Republican presidential nominee and Golden Wrecking Ball Donald Trump, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin incited the hooting crowd against President Obama by telling a string of lies about his speech, and for good measure, referred to one of the great human tragedies in history as America “put(ting) a boot in yer ass!”

Sarah Palin speaks during a panel discussion before a preview of the film "Climate Hu

Sarah Palin to Media: ‘Suck It Up, Cupcake’

Friday in San Diego, CA, at a rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) said it’s time for the “mainstream media,” to “suck it up” because despite their opposition to Trump, he is the nominee. Palin
