Sarah Palin - Page 10

New Sarah Palin Movie Points to Bright Future

The roar of the Mama Grizzly seems to be intensifying. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, has released a powerful documentary focusing on Palin’s unique and incredible impact on our country.

Sarah Palin

Shocking Coverage Of Sarah Palin After Trump Comments

After Trump’s appearance on The Palin Update with Kevin Scholla on Mama Grizzly Radio, all of the lightweights entered the ring as expected. Salon, Mediaite, Huffington Post and the like resorted to their usual tired tactics. Belittling Governor Palin every chance they get. Dismissing her, yet devoting story after story to her. Seeing the snark come from these circles wan’t too surprising.


Talking To Trump: Refreshing Like Reagan And Palin

Basically Trump is giving us all a choice. Do you want recycled, teleprompter reliant, weak kneed, poll obsessed, go along to get along professional politicians or do you want an American with a remarkable track record who will not hold back in words or action?

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Meet With Potential Iowa Voters

Trump Interview: ‘Admire Palin,’ Political Media ‘Amazingly Dishonest,’ Real Climate Change ‘Nuclear’

In the Palin Update radio program released Monday, host Kevin Scholla interviews 2016 Presidential candidate and American success story Donald Trump, who offers his admiration of Governor Palin, his take on the “amazingly dishonest” political media, taking on “weak, ineffective” politicians in both major political parties, the pathetic treatment of veterans, “nuclear climate change,” his run for the White House, and how he plans to make America great again.


Bristol Palin Owes No Apology, Internet Trolls Do

Drug addict celebrities who fall off the wagon again and again are praised. A woman becomes pregnant, chooses life, and gets attacked. This is the upside down world we are living in. It’s also the latest development in the saga of ‘How The Palins Turn’ or perhaps more appropriately How (Everything) The Palins (Do Makes Someone’s Head) Turn (Spin).

bristol palin

Palin Attacks Media for Duggar-Lena Dunham Double Standard

In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” on Monday, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK), the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee, reiterated her position on the media double standard regarding the Duggar family scandal and Lena Dunham for her stunning admissions in


Black Hog Down! Palin TV Show Features Amazing Hunts for Injured Vets

All-new, back-to-back episodes of Amazing America with Sarah Palin treated viewers to a bomb disarming robot, a home inside an abandoned missile silo, a special hunting excursion for veterans, and a profile of a true American hero known as The Horse Soldier. This eclectic hour of entertainment truly showcased just how amazing Americans can be.


Blue State Blues: Bibi Is Coming–Whether the Jewish Establishment Likes It or Not

And Esther said to Hathach, and she ordered him to [tell] Mordechai: “All the king’s servants and the people of the king’s provinces know that any man or woman who comes to the king, into the inner court, who is not summoned, there is but one law for him, to be put to death, except the one to whom the king extends the golden scepter, that he may live, but I have not been summoned to come to the king these thirty days. And they told Esther’s words to Mordechai. And Mordechai ordered to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine to yourself that you will escape in the king’s house from among all the Jews.” (Esther 4:10-13)

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

TEXAS POLL: Cruz Stays in Front of Perry, Walker Nearly Even

For the second time in as many polls, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) leads the pack among Texas Republican voters as their top choice among potential 2016 presidential candidates, but just barely. Cruz has dropped back from twenty-seven percent to twenty percent but still maintained his lead. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker jumped from two percent of the vote in an October, 2014 poll to nineteen percent in Tuesday’s University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll. Former Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas) fell from a second place finish in the October poll to fifth place in the current poll. Perry’s support has been cut in half – down from fourteen to seven percent.

Cruz in front of Perry

Sarah Palin Brings Home the Bacon During Visit to Amazing Priefert Ranch

Want to cut pork in Washington, DC? Perhaps the inept politicians should call on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Her resume speaks for itself. On the latest episode of Amazing America with Sarah Palin, viewers were treated to an inside look at the Priefert Ranch. There, Palin got her hands dirty, running equipment, herding cattle and yes—hunting hogs. Palin brought home the bacon.

Sarah Palin Hog