Sandra Bullock

Sonnie Johnson: Auntie Maxine’s Bad Idea

On this week’s Did She Say That, Sonnie Johnson chats about the state of American civility with the recent call from U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to confront Trump administration officials anywhere in public.

Did She Say That - Sonnie Johnson

‘Ocean’s 8’ Review: No Style, No Wit, No Moral Courage

About 40-minutes into Ocean’s 8, after it struck me that the movie was nowhere near as much fun as heist movies are supposed to be, my attention wandered towards ideas that might have made the experience a bit more lively. And because I’m a child, an image popped into my head…


Lies of Omission: New York Times Columnist Trashes Clinton Accuser Paula Jones

Because it will no longer produce any political downside for Democrats, on Monday, New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg penned a cynical, self-serving, 25 years-too-late column, saying that she now believes Juanita Broaddrick’s claim that former-President Bill Clinton raped her. Using lies of omission, in that same column, Goldberg also trashed Clinton accuser Paula Jones.

OCTOBER 09: Paula Jones sits before the town hall debate at Washington University on Octob

‘Minions’ Review: Family-Friendly Prequel to ‘Despicable Me’ Films

It’s been five years since we were first introduced to super villain Gru (Steve Carell), the lovely three girls he adopted, and his adorable yellow Minions who can only speak in Minion talk, yet have assisted Gru in stealing the moon and capturing other villains for the Anti-Villain League. But how did these little yellow guys come to find Gru, and what was their life like before they met him? Minions is a sweet prequel highlighting these little yellow supporting characters of the Despicable Me films and their journey in finding their new villain mastermind.
