Texas Supreme Court Upholds Pro-Life Freedom of Speech
The Texas Supreme Court rejected an effort by pro-abortion groups to silence a pro-life advocate who equated abortion with murder.

The Texas Supreme Court rejected an effort by pro-abortion groups to silence a pro-life advocate who equated abortion with murder.
Gov. Gavin Newsom said California will become an abortion “sanctuary” if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
Citizens of Celina, Ohio, collected sufficient signatures to recall four council members who voted against a ban on abortion in the city.
The city of Mason, Ohio became the 41st Sanctuary City for the Unborn when its city council voted to outlaw abortion within the city’s limits.
A report from a pro-abortion rights news outlet said Wednesday half of the abortionists at Whole Woman’s Health clinic in Fort Worth have left their jobs since Texas’s Heartbeat Act went into effect September 1.
Four more Texas towns have voted to ban abortion as the Sanctuary City for the Unborn initiative spreads throughout the state and to other states as well.
The city of Hillsdale, Michigan, will take up an ordinance that, if enacted, would make it a sanctuary city for the unborn and outlaw abortion.
The quorum court of Washington County in northwest Arkansas voted Thursday to approve a resolution that declares the county “Pro-Life.”
Texas abortion providers filed a federal lawsuit that seeks to block the new Texas Heartbeat Act from taking effect on September 1.
A commissioner of Manatee County, Florida, received unanimous approval from his colleagues on the board to move ahead with a plan to explore a local county “heartbeat” abortion ordinance, even though such a ban would be more restrictive than the state’s current abortion law.
A judge dismissed Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against the city of Lubbock, Texas, where citizens voted to ban abortion within the city’s limits.
Planned Parenthood said it will stop abortions in its Lubbock clinic as a “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” ordinance takes effect.
Lebanon, Ohio, voted to become a Sanctuary City for the Unborn, the 29th city in the nation and the first in Ohio to outlaw abortion.
Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit against the city of Lubbock after its citizens voted to become a “sanctuary city for the unborn.”
The Texas legislature passed a bill that will outlaw abortions in the state once a fetal heartbeat is detected and sent it to the governor.
Lubbock, Texas, became the largest city in the U.S. to become a “sanctuary city for the unborn,” the 26th in the nation to outlaw abortion.
The city council of Goldsmith, Texas, voted unanimously Wednesday to pass an ordinance that establishes it as a “Sanctuary City for the Unborn.”
Officials of Lubbock are weighing whether their city should become the 15th “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” in the state of Texas.
Officials in Springdale, Arkansas have forwarded a resolution to the next City Council Committee meeting that declares their city to be a “Pro-Life City.”
The city of Waskom, Texas, has become the first in the nation to ban abortion, declaring itself a “sanctuary city for the unborn.”