Report: Pope Francis Recentralizes Church Power in the Papacy
Pope Francis has proven to be a deeply authoritarian leader of the Catholic Church despite his rhetoric on “decentralization,” veteran Vatican journalist John L. Allen asserted Sunday.

Pope Francis has proven to be a deeply authoritarian leader of the Catholic Church despite his rhetoric on “decentralization,” veteran Vatican journalist John L. Allen asserted Sunday.
Pope Francis’ war on the Traditional Latin Mass continued Tuesday as the pontiff confirmed that no bishop may grant permission for the Mass to be said without an okay from the Vatican.
Pope Francis has denied rumors that he had “given it” to the conservative Catholic Opus Dei group when he demoted its leader from bishop to simple priest.
Pope Francis accused those resisting his sweeping restrictions on the traditional Latin Mass as sowers of division in the Church.
The left-wing National Catholic Reporter fumed that Catholic supporters of President Donald Trump “have blood on their hands.”
The decision by Pope Francis to offer his tentative support for civil union laws for same-sex couples was praised Thursday by U.N. chief Antonio Guterres.
Democrat nominee Joe Biden, an avid supporter of abortion rights, closed a campaign speech in Pittsburgh on Monday by citing Saint John Paul II, who urged Christians to “be not afraid.”
The president and the first lady walked out of the shrine building toward the statue of the famous pope, then turned toward the statue, hands folded.
Italy’s minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, chose to cite Pope John Paul II rather than Pope Francis in his annual Christmas greeting, as a growing divide over immigration opens between the two leaders.
Pope Francis told a Buddhist delegation from Thailand Wednesday that his desire was for Buddhists and Catholics to grow ever closer to each other.
In the lead-up to the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez has held up abortion as the number one social justice issue in America today.
After France’s highest administrative court ruled that a cross surmounting a statue of Saint John Paul II must be removed, the city’s former mayor has written an open letter criticizing the ruling as wrong-headed and contrary to France’s best interests.
In an address before the United Nations in New York, a Vatican spokesman underscored the centrality of the right to life and religious freedom, noting that “all other rights flow” from these two core principles.
Pope Francis drew a bioethical line in the sand Thursday, telling a group of doctors, scientists and patients that no potential medical or scientific benefits “can justify the destruction of human embryos.”
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, who turned 90 years old on Easter Sunday, gave a rare birthday speech inside the Vatican expressing his thanksgiving to God for the gift of life.
In a pointed speech this weekend, the bishop of San Diego attacked U.S. President Donald Trump, telling his audience of social justice warriors that they must disrupt his efforts to fulfill his campaign promises.
On Sunday afternoon, Pope Francis became the third pontiff to visit the Major Temple in Rome, the most important synagogue in the city, and was met with a standing ovation after he recalled the sufferings of the Jewish people at
A massive, multi-decade project of translating the entire Bible into the Mayan language of Tzotzil has finally been completed, and was commemorated with a Mass celebrated in that language in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.