EXCLUSIVE: China, Russia, and Other Foreign States Have Given U.S. Universities $10 Billion
The Clarion Project has issued an analysis showing how billions of foreign dollars have been infused into American colleges and universities.

The Clarion Project has issued an analysis showing how billions of foreign dollars have been infused into American colleges and universities.
The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), a Muslim Brotherhood (MB) affiliated group, did meet with “working level officials” at the U.S. State Department, an administration official confirmed to Breitbart News.
Following a radical Islamic terrorist attack in London that killed seven and injured dozens more, experts say such attacks in the West could increase in the near future.
A national security expert and professor at Liberty University tells Breitbart News that, during his recent visit to war-ravaged Iraq, he found many Christians and Muslim Kurds who “openly” expressed their support for U.S. President Donald Trump as a form of protest against radical Islam and the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL).
The San Diego chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has taken aim at the Clarion Project’s National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro, whom they refer to as an “anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist” and “Islamophobe.”
A top Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) official took time out of her Memorial Day weekend to stand by her opposition to honoring fallen U.S. soldiers on the holiday and specifically took aim at Muslim-Americans who serve in the U.S. military.
In order to defeat the multiple radical ideologies growing within Islam, we must first confront these elements and engage in an open and frank conversation about the state of Islam worldwide, narrator Raheel Raza explains in “By The Numbers – The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics,” a documentary produced by the Clarion Project.
An estimated 200 people came out Sunday evening to a rally calling for opposition to the Iran deal currently being considered in the U.S. Congress. The event followed a midday briefing that drew over 150.