Ronald Reagan - Page 12

How We Got Into Such a Bad Nuclear Deal with Iran

Last week, Congress kicked off hearings for its 60-day review of President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Despite Administration assurances—given even before the agreement was concluded—Congress would have this review time, Obama rushed the deal to judgment at the U.N. to bind the U.S. internationally before congressional review could be undertaken.


Mark Levin : Numbers You Hear on Immigration Are a Lie

Conservative talk radio host and scholar Mark Levin called in to Breitbart News Sunday and blasted “criminal politicians” on both sides of the aisle who keep praising illegal immigrants. Levin emphatically stressed that Republican voters must reject presidential candidates who will not block the left from enacting their radical goals.

Mark Levin

D-Day: Ronald Reagan at Pointe Du Hoc

On June 6, 1984, the 40th anniversary of D-Day, President Ronald Reagan stood on what he called a “lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France” to deliver an oration that would become known as his “Boys of Pointe du Hoc” speech. He made this speech in front of 62 survivors of the 2nd Ranger Battalion who courageously scaled the 100 ft. high cliffs on that fateful day.


Rick Perry: We Must ‘Eliminate’ ISIS, the Taliban and Boko Haram

War veteran and former Gov. of Texas Rick Perry expounded on his executive experience as the Lone Star State’s longest-serving governor and laid out the ways in which he would combat the rise of radical Islam, in addition to providing his promise of unwavering, tangible support for our country’s esteemed veterans — if he decides to run for president.

Rick Perry - Texas Senate

Obama’s Failure to Recognize Armenian Genocide Abandons Modern Middle East Christians

On April 24, 1915 the Ottoman Turkish leaders ordered the arrest of hundreds of notable Armenians in Istanbul and launched the systematic annihilation of Armenian as well as Assyrian Christians within the empire’s borders and throughout the Middle East. This day would become known as “Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day,” and a century later is the center of a persistent geopolitical controversy.


Calling a Genocide a Genocide

This week the world is marking the gruesome 100th anniversary of events that took lives of some 1.5 million of Turkey’s Armenians. The Ottoman Empire was falling apart, fighting as one of the Axis powers in WW1, fearful of its Christian minorities and their possibly joining the Allied effort led by Czarist Russia to liberate them.


Turkish ‘Scholar’ on 1915: The Armenians Massacred Themselves

On the eve of the commemoration of the 1915 Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire, a Turkish professor is suggesting that Turkish forces had nothing to do with the slaughter of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians, and that the Armenians disguised themselves as Turks to kill their own people.


‘Discount Venting’ Offered to Stressed CA Beach Town

Ronald Reagan lived there. The Beach Boys incorporated it into a song. This is Pacific Palisades. And now this sleepy little beach town nestled against the Santa Monica Mountains is home to the who’s who of celebrity: Steven Spielberg, Ben Affleck, Tom Hanks, Adam Sandler, Goldie Hawn, Conan O’Brien, JJ Abrams, Diane Keaton, Matt Damon, Reese Witherspoon, Bill Hader, Kate Hudson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Chris O’Donnell… to name just a few.

Tom Costain/Palisadian-Post

Mo Brooks: Ted Cruz Could Be as Great as Ronald Reagan

In an interview with host Cliff Sims earlier this week on “Yellowhammer Radio” on 101.1, WYDE in Birmingham, AL, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) sung his praises for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who announced his candidacy for the 2016 Republican presidential


Viguerie Argues Cruz Is The First Movement Conservative Candidate Since Reagan

Conservative icon Richard Viguerie writes that, with Cruz as the great conservative crusader in the 2016 race, voters will have a distinct choice in the voting booth between “policy grounded in the thought of the modern conservative movement and the Washington deal-making that has often corrupted Republican campaigns of the recent past.”

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Snoop Dogg and HBO Take Aim at Reagan Legacy in New Series

HBO and Snoop Dogg’s upcoming project, set in 1980s gang-ridden Los Angeles, is a perfect example of the power harnessed by those on the left in entertainment, and what better way to use your pulpit than to tarnish the legacy of one of the most beloved political figures on the right?

AP Photos

Scott Walker to Meet with Supply-Siders in NYC

For those who genuinely remember former President Ronald Reagan and his administration, supply-side economics was a lynchpin of his presidency, and high-profile supply-side economists like Larry Kudlow, Arthur Laffer, and Stephen Moore were considered key parts of his team.

AP Photo/Andy Manis

Presidents Day: Ranking the Presidents on Israel Policy

Presidents Day 2015 comes in the midst of an upheaval about the state of U.S. foreign policy, and particularly regarding the State of Israel, whose Prime Minister will arrive in two weeks to deliver what will amount to a rebuke of President Obama’s negotiating stance on Iran. As this particular holiday lends itself to ranking the presidents from best to worst, it is worth considering how they compare on relations with Israel, which has been–despite ups and downs–a staunch ally since 1948.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Newt on Radical Islam, President Lives in a ‘Fantasy World’

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich sat down with Breitbart’s own Steven K. Bannon and Alexander Marlow during a special edition of Breitbart News Sunday covering the weekend Iowa Freedom Summit. Gingrich focused in on the heart of his Saturday speech, addressing foreign policy with a special emphasis on the worldwide crisis of radical Islam, a fight that Newt says America is losing in the world today.

AP Photo

Biden on Reaganomics ‘Yeah That’s a Good Idea Man’

Thursday at the U.S. Conference of Mayors, while discussing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently taking credit for positive upticks in the economy, Vice President Joe Biden admitted when he was in the Senate in the 1980s, he took


‘The Terror Network’ Reincarnated

During the Cold War, Red terrorist groups proliferated throughout Western Europe. Claire Sterling detailed in her 1981 blockbuster The Terror Network: The Secret War of International Terrorism how, with the help of the Communist Bloc intelligence and their surrogates in the PLO and Cuba, these groups organized a sophisticated network able to provide everything from arranging travel to Cuba and Lebanon for training to guns and fake passports.

Dursun Aydemir - Anadolu Agency/AFP