Former Obama Speechwriter: This Is Obama’s ’Morning In America’ Speech
Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau hints that Americans should expect a Reagan-style speech from President Obama during tonight’s State of the Union address.

Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau hints that Americans should expect a Reagan-style speech from President Obama during tonight’s State of the Union address.
During the January 10 airing of Meet the Press, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said armed citizens remind bad guys that “bullets go both ways.”
Justice Stephen Breyer will not express an opinion on Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, in keeping with two centuries of Supreme Court tradition. But he did express an opinion on a related point: American courts are unlikely to allow Muslims to be held in detention camps.
In a bizarre leap of logic, Democrat mega-donor George Soros is accusing Republican frontrunners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz of fear-mongering and sats they’re playing directly into the hands of Islamist terrorists.
Christmas is upon us this week, and for Christians, we not only celebrate with family, trees, and gifts. The birth of our Savior is the true reason we celebrate, and during this season, my family and I reflect on Christ’s teachings and their impact on our lives and and our world.
On Monday, Weekly Standard editor-in-chief Bill Kristol tweeted out what the rest of the Republican establishment is thinking: better Hillary than Donald. Here’s the tweet:
Crowd-sourcing: Name of the new party we’ll have to start if Trump wins the GOP nomination? Suggestions welcome at
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) December 20, 2015
The great arbiter of true conservatism, The New York Times, has now declared the modern Republican Party unfit for the mantle of its onetime leader, Ronald Reagan.
In his remarks to Sen. Ted Cruz’s Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness hearing concerning ongoing attempts to silence dissenters to climate change dogma, Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts—one of the greatest enemies of free speech in government today—made an analogy between the threat of communism and climate change.
Over on what we think of as the right side of the political spectrum, critiques of Donald Trump often include laments and/or teeth-gnashings over his “splitting the Republican Party,” and/or his “not being a conservative.”
New York’s Top Democrats have identified the causes of the mass opposition to illegal immigration and Syrian resettlement: Anger, fear, and Ronald Reagan’s 1980 election.
No historian has done a better job of chronicling Ronald Reagan’s rise to power than Craig Shirley. As always, Shirley is a perfect antidote to the “court historians” who never really “got” Reagan. Shirley’s books on Reagan’s 1976 and 1980 presidential campaigns, Reagan’s Revolution and Rendezvous With Destiny, are the gold standard in describing the Gipper’s ascendence and successful capture of the White House.
On Sunday, the Huffington Post ran an Op-Ed attacking presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for claiming that Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election mostly on his conservative principles.
Monday on his radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin sounded off on those attacking Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, including those on the Republican side, who he suggested were using liberal talking points in their attacks. However, Levin also went
Monday at the end of his “The O’Reilly Factor” program on the Fox News Channel, host Bill O’Reilly read viewers’ responses to his heated exchange with Washington Post columnist George Will over alleged inaccuracies in O’Reilly’s best-selling book “Killing Reagan.” O’Reilly
In 1967, University of California president Clark Kerr was fired by the Board of Regents for being too lenient in dealing with student protests. On Monday, Tim Wolfe of the University of Missouri resigned because he had not been lenient enough.
Rep. Trey Gowdy flew down to Florida this week to support two of his friends, former Congresswoman Sandy Adams, who is running for Congress in Florida’s 6th congressional district, as well as Rep. Ron DeSantis, who is running for the U.S. Senate seat Marco Rubio is vacating in 2016.
Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly and syndicated columnist and Fox News Contributor George Will engaged in a tense exchange over O’Reilly’s book “Killing Reagan” on Friday. O’Reilly began by saying Will’s column accusing him of slandering Reagan was libel.
This week’s election returns cement numbers proving that President Barack Hussein Obama is the greatest builder of the Republican Party since President Ronald Wilson Reagan.
A new political video produced by the Conservative Solutions PAC compares Sen. Marco Rubio to former President Ronald Reagan – pointing out that he is a “young man in a hurry” who “took on the Republican establishment.”
Speaker Ryan’s remarks were, for the most part, inside baseball. Multiple times Ryan referred to “regular order,” which to the common person sounds like a reference to getting the same fast food at McDonalds every time you go.
A cafeteria at St. John’s Medical Center in Santa Monica was forced closed by a health inspector this week when nearly a dozen live cockroaches were found in the kitchen.
Gov. Jerry Brown will be the first governor to move into the historic Governor’s Mansion in Sacramento since Ronald Reagan lived there, when he and his wife, Anne Gust Brown, move in between the end of this year and the beginning of next.
In an interview with Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, Fox News host and bestselling author Bill O’Reilly discussed his new book, Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault that Changed the Presidency. The book focuses on the failed murder attempt by John Hinckley, Jr. on President Ronald Reagan in 1981 in order to impress actress Jodie Foster.
The political action committee founded by Ronald Reagan called for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to resign as House Speaker John Boehner did last Friday, so a constitutional conservative can take McConnell’s place leading the Senate.
On his Monday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh offered his evaluation of the tax plan 2016 Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump proposed earlier in the day. Despite all the criticism the proposal has received from some elements on the
Speaking under the hateful gaze of Che Guevara in Havana’s Plaza of the Revolution — a shrine to ruthless communism — Pope Francis scolded us to “serve people, not ideas.”
In an appearance on CBS’s “The Late Show” on Monday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was challenged by host Stephen Colbert on carrying on the legacy of Ronald Reagan on the issues of taxes, immigration and gay marriage. According to Cruz,
SIMI VALLEY, California — Following the primetime segment of the second GOP presidential primary debate hosted by CNN, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s senior communications advisor Hogan Gidley said he thinks the Governor “crushed it” with what little time he was given.
Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” the adopted son of President Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan, objected to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump comparing himself to his father. Mitchell asked, “I want to ask you straight out. What does Donald Trump
Jeb Bush, dogged by accusations that he is “low energy,” tried a Clark Kent-style move on the campaign trail to emphasize his connection to Ronald Reagan–and his father, George H.W. Bush.
Contents: Russia opens a dangerous new chapter in Syria and the Mideast; ‘Putin’s Plan’ for Russia and Syria; How is Vladimir Putin different from Ronald Reagan?; Choosing the lesser of two evils
Author and columnist Michael Reagan argued that while none of the GOP presidential candidates are “Reaganesque,” Donald Trump is the least like Ronald Reagan on Saturday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Smerconish.” Reagan said of the current GOP field, “They may have traits of
Author and columnist Michael Reagan wondered if his father, former president Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO, and stated of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, “if this keeps going forward, my father may actually say, ‘You know, the party left
Political commentator and son of former President Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan declared, “”Are you a Trump Republican, or are you a Reagan Republican? Because you cannot be both. You’ve got to be one or the other” on Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax
This week, Iranian police arrested merchants for selling clothing emblazoned with the flags of the United States and England and bearing “satanic symbols.”
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Friday, adapted from their forthcoming book “Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America,” in which they compare President Obama’s Iran deal to the infamous act of capitulation that launched World War 2.
More than a quarter-century since President Ronald Reagan left the White House to start his retirement in Southern California, the former actor and conservative icon is again making regular appearances on TV.
A well-intentioned article by Noah Rothman in Commentary Magazine offers that Donald Trump’s supporters are the right wing’s version of Obama’s vacuous “Hope and Change” acolytes. Says Rothman: “Trump is the right’s Obama, insofar as his policy preferences are ill-defined, pliable, and reflective of whatever the audience immediately before him wants them to be.” Such comparisons short-change Trump’s supporters.
On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” host Don Lemon reacted to an exchange between GOP front-runner Donald Trump and Univision’s Jorge Ramos, who was in attendance at a press conference Trump was conducting before a Dubuque, IA rally. Lemon likened that moment
GOP presidential candidate Ohio Governor John Kasich sat down with CNN’s Dana Bash in an interview broadcast on Sunday’s “State of the Union,” and was challenged with accusations that he sounds like a Democrat sometimes. Kasich said that Republicans “allowed themselves