Robert Mugabe - Page 4

WATCH: Mugabe Heckled by MPs During Speech

Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe was booed by opposition MPs as he addressed the country’s parliament yesterday. The Guardian reports that the 91-year-old was jeered by members of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party as he outlined his government’s plan


Stop Trying to Make Cecil the Lion a Planned Parenthood Story

The murder of Cecil, a famous Zimbabwean lion, at the hands of an American dentist on an exotic game hunt has become this summer’s national outrage. Liberals are calling for government intervention to prevent Americans from exotic animal hunting and the mainstream media has carved out hours of time to discuss this injustice.

The Associated Press

Genocide, Starvation, LGBT Attacks take Backseat to Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe

Cecil, a 13-year-old lion that was, for many Zimbabweans, the sole source of pride in an otherwise hellish dictatorship, is dead. His death at the hands of an American dentist has done what the deaths of tens of thousands of Zimbabwean humans have failed to do since Robert Mugabe’s ascendance to head of state: get Americans to care about Zimbabwe.

The Associated Press

You Care About Cecil the Lion Because Black Lives Don’t Matter

An American dentist from Minnesota has allegedly killed an iconic Zimbabwean lion named Cecil with a bow and arrow in a trophy hunt. The Internet is outraged, perhaps rightly so. It is telling, however, that the deaths of thousands of ordinary Zimbabweans, and the starvation and displacement of millions, have failed to rouse anything like the same level of anger.

The Associated Press

South Africa Arrests 200 Immigrants in Raid Following Xenophobic Attacks

South African law enforcement has arrested 198 illegal immigrants in a raid in Johannesburg, following weeks of violent attacks on known foreigners and foreigner-owned small businesses by South African natives for unspecified “criminal activity.” The number of those arrested in one night is about 100 less than the total of those arrested for participating in riots and attacks that have taken the lives of seven and caused an international firestorm against the South African government.
