Rob Reiner Declares: ‘The Impeachment Process Is About to Begin’
Hollywood actor-director Rob Reiner took to Twitter on Saturday and declared that “the impeachment process is about to begin,” against President Donald Trump.

Hollywood actor-director Rob Reiner took to Twitter on Saturday and declared that “the impeachment process is about to begin,” against President Donald Trump.
Hollywood celebrities reacted to the shootings in Odessa, Texas, with calls for gun control and a denunciation of Congressional Republicans long before details on the firearm or means of firearm acquisition were known.
Left-wing Hollywood director Rob Reiner swallowed a fake news MSNBC report that Russians co-signed a loan for President Donald Trump, jumping to Twitter to decry the “mountain of criminality” in the Trump White House.
Hollywood diretor Rob Reiner took his obsession with seeing President Donald Trump impeached to a new level this week, demanding that Republicans in Congress “step the f*ck up” and Democrats to “get out the impeachment hoses.”
Hollywood director Rob Reiner demanded President Donald Trump be impeached after he advised Israel to bar Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) from entering the country — which the Jewish state officially did on Thursday.
Far-left actress and activist Bette Midler suggested that President Donald Trump is inciting murderous gunmen to do his “dirty work” in an all-caps tweet referencing the heinous El Paso shooter, who took 22 lives and injured dozens more.
Far-left filmmaker and activist Rob Reiner believes President Donald Trump is continuing to “incite violence” by refusing to halt his re-election campaign, telling his 723k Twitter followers that Trump has no soul and is quite literally the “face of evil.”
Actor Bradley Whitford reacted to the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, by accusing President Donald Trump of “inspiring the wholesale slaughter of American citizens.”
Some of Hollywood’s most politically active and vocal figures reacted to the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday by blaming Republicans and President Donald Trump and calling on Congress to pass more laws restricting the Second Amendment right of law-abiding gun owners.
Filmmaker and left-wing activist Rob Reiner has declared that all supporters of President Donald Trump are racist, claiming that Trump has made it “abundantly clear” his re-election [campaign] is based on white nationalism.
Far-left filmmaker Rob Reiner has demanded that Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi “pull the trigger” on impeaching President Donald Trump, arguing that FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report was “loaded with criminal offenses.”
The Democrat Party has been moving noticeably farther to the left, and President Trump’s pro-America policies and “Salute to America” celebration have driven many over the edge. There are countless examples of Hollywood figures, 2020 Democrats, media outlets, and businesses revealing their true colors.
Left-wing actress Rosie O’Donnell slammed President Donald Trump as “evil” in a political painting seemingly inspired by progressive filmmaker Rob Reiner’s political rant.
Left-wing Hollywood filmmaker Rob Reiner is accusing President Donald Trump of “personally” inviting Russian president Vladimir Putin to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, suggesting it was an act of treason.
Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner believes that former FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s upcoming public testimony before Congress could kickoff impeachment proceedings for President Donald Trump.
Hollywood filmmaker and left-wing activist Rob Reiner melted down on Saturday, fearing that “ineffectual” Democrats in Congress won’t ever pull the trigger on impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.
Comedian, TV producer, and loud leftist Seth MacFarlane is already getting afraid of the ultimate result of typical primary sniping as Democrats begin attacking each other to gain a better position ahead of the 2020 primary season.
Actors Robert De Niro, Laurence Fishburne, Sophia Bush, and Martin Sheen lead a star-studded cast demanding that Americans read the special counsel report and demand that President Donald Trump, and members of his administration, testify before Congress.
Hollywood filmmaker and left-wing activist Rob Reiner on Monday begged lawmakers on Capitol Hill to “save” U.S. democracy by better educating themselves about the contents of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on now-debunked collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.
Film actor and director Rob Reiner has accused Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of “positing a false choice” with regards to opening impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, and demanded that she imprison him for the “preservation of democracy.”
Left-wing actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner pledged Friday to show Americans — with the help of several videos — that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report contains the “biggest pile of criminality” against any U.S. president.
Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner warns the two dozen Democrats who are running for president not to attack each other.
“Let’s lift our heads up. Again, not a joke, remember who the hell we are. And let’s go take it back!” Biden said.
Hollywood celebrities watched Attorney General William Barr’s Senate testimony in horror Wednesday, melting down and demanding President Trump’s impeachment.
Life is so good for the fabulous people on the coasts — the only group the Democratic Party really cares about –– that they can afford to devote themselves to crazy fantasies that make them feel morally superior to other people.
Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president in 2020, declaring that he will “restore our souls and standing as leader of the free world.”
Former Vice President Joe Biden will attend a fundraiser in Los Angeles with a series of high-profile Hollywood figures next month — some of who supported both of former President Barack Obama’s campaigns, according to a report.
Hollywood joined Democrats and the establishment media in going into full meltdown mode Thursday following Attorney General William Barr releasing the full Mueller report to the public. Celebrities accused President Donald Trump of being “guilty” and called the report a cover-up.
Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner on Wednesday expressed concern over the Trump administration scheduled release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on now-debunk Trump-Russia collusion, suggesting it could spell the end for U.S. democracy.
Left-wing Hollywood director Rob Reiner has thrown in with those who believe U.S. Attorney General William Barr is attempting to “gas light” the American people after releasing the summary of the Mueller report, which concluded that President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign did not “collude” with Russia.
This crime against Trump was also a crime against us, against America, and our Constitution. And the only way to compound this crime is to sweep it under the rug.
Left-wing Hollywood stars have spent the past two years spreading wild conspiracy theories about President Donald Trump and Russian “collusion,” with a slew of celebrities calling him a “traitor,” a “puppet,” a “thug,” a “urine-lapper” for Putin and predicting that he will be “in chains” soon.
Hollywood figures doubled down on Trump-Russia conspiracies Sunday following Attorney General William Barr releasing a letter to Congress summarizing the Mueller report, which concludes President Donald Trump’s campaign did not collude with the Kremlin.
Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner targeted President Donald Trump’s supporters in a new social media post, calling them an “insidious cult” who condone white supremacy.
Left-wing filmmaker Rob Reiner declared that President Trump is the “enemy of the people” in a social media rant Wednesday.
Hollywood celebrities from Alyssa Milano to Alec Baldwin lashed out at President Donald Trump Tuesday during his State of the Union speech.
Hollywood director and left-wing agitator Rob Reiner went after President Donald Trump Tuesday ahead of his State of the Union address, saying America isn’t strong right now due to his presidency.
Hollywood director and far-left social media personality Rob Reiner declared Saturday that while Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) should resign, “pathetic” President Trump also needs to step down.
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced this week that he was considering running for president and the Hollywood Resistance unloaded on him.
Hollywood film director Rob Reiner warned that the “weak” and “childish” President Donald Trump would fail to defeat the “brilliant” Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over the partial government shutdown, as the two sides remain in a stalemate over funding for security and constructing a border wall.