Richard Burr - Page 3

Echo Chamber: Senators Ask Jeff Sessions Same Question About Russians 12 Times

Despite the fact that Attorney General Jeff Sessions repeatedly outlined the conversations he said he had with Russian diplomats during the course of the 2016 presidential campaign, Senators at Tuesday’s Senate Intelligence Committee repeatedly peppered Sessions with various forms of the same question — whether he had met with Russian officials during the course of the campaign.

Sen. Jeff Sessions

Dem Sen Harris Grills Rosenstein — Is Reprimanded By Burr

Wednesday at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) demanded Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein give his assurance that as special counsel in the Russia investigation former FBI director Robert Mueller will have “full” independence. As Harris demanded a


Senate Intel Chair Richard Burr: No Need for Special Prosecutor

Wednesday while being questioned by reporters about President Donald Trump firing of FBI Director James Comey, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) said while he was he was troubled by the timing and reasoning of Comey’s termination, he


10 Top Republicans Sitting Out the RNC Convention

Trump-resistant and election battling Republicans including two former Presidents, two former Republican nominees, and several former 2016 presidential hopefuls are offering up excuses for why they will not attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week, notably among them a break with a history of former Presidents attending their party’s convention.

George and George Bush