Activist Who Wants to Topple Statues Helping Devise Oxford University Free Speech Guidance
A woke activist involved in the ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ statue-toppling campaign is helping write free speech guidelines for the University of Oxford.

A woke activist involved in the ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ statue-toppling campaign is helping write free speech guidelines for the University of Oxford.
Over 150 Oxford University academics are refusing to teach Oriel College students as a result of the college authorities declining to give into woke demands to hack a historic monument to Cecil Rhodes off its building.
Oxford University’s Oriel College has rejected a commission’s recommendation to remove the statue of Cecil Rhodes, the British mining magnate and former prime minister of the Cape Colony.
The Black Lives Matter inspired attacks on British heritage in universities shows no signs of abating, as students at Durham have removed Margaret Thatcher from a list of inspirational women and academics as Oxford plots to remove Cecil Rhodes’ name from a professorship.
Oriel College, Oxford has surrendered to the mob and plans to take down a statue of one of its most generous benefactors, Cecil Rhodes.
Black Lives Matter activists verbally abused journalist Peter Hitchens as he strolled through the streets of Oxford to observe the far-left protest.
Not since Oliver Cromwell, when Puritans smashed any work of art they deemed impure, has Britain engaged in such a frenzy of iconoclasm.
Bristol Council has been slammed after announcing plans to add an “enslaver of Africans” plaque to a 123-year-old statue of philanthropist Edward Colston.
An investigation claims to have uncovered a Left-wing cabal in British academia, after 58 academics condemned colleague Nigel Biggar for suggesting Britons should feel temper their guilt about the British Empire with a little pride.
Students are demanding that Cambridge University “decolonise” further subjects, warning that courses which “elevate” white writers “risk perpetuating institutional racism”.
Ntokozo Qwabe, one of the loony, #blacklivesmatter-style race-hustlers behind Oxford University’s Rhodes Must Fall campaign, is causing trouble again.
This week, Cambridge University students called for the cancellation of an Africa-themed dinner, deemed “racist” on the basis that the menu “reduces an entire continent into 3 courses”, and that students at the event would be eating in a room
Ntokozo Qwabe – one of the loony, entitled, Black-Lives-Matter-style race hustlers behind the Rhodes Must Fall campaign at Oxford University – has boasted on his Facebook page about reducing a white waitress to tears. I’ll let the charmer tell the story
Students at the University of Cape Town in South Africa ransacked university buildings Tuesday and set fire to paintings depicting white people, according to local news.
The #RhodesMustFall campaign by loony entitled race hustlers to topple a statue of Cecil Rhodes at Oriel College, Oxford, of one of the university’s most generous benefactors has failed. Donors were so furious at Oriel College’s cowardice in the face of
(AFP) – The chancellor of Britain’s Oxford University on Tuesday warned history should not be rewritten to meet modern notions of what is acceptable, in an apparent rebuff to a student campaign to remove a statue of colonialist Cecil Rhodes.
The story so far: loony, entitled, race hustlers at Oxford University are campaigning for the removal of a statue from Oriel College of Cecil Rhodes, British imperial hero, founder of the Rhodes scholarship. Instead of standing up to these hoity-toity
#Rhodesmustrise Who will join my campaign #Rhodesmustrise? The idea is to build in the middle of Africa a gigantic golden statue of the mighty British imperial hero Cecil Rhodes – a really big one, about four miles high, so that Kilimanjaro doesn’t