Fugitive Texas Murder Suspect Killed in Shootout with Mexican Military
EDINBURG, Texas — A man wanted by Texas authorities for the murder of his ex-girlfriend and her beau in February fled to Mexico was killed by military forces there.
EDINBURG, Texas — A man wanted by Texas authorities for the murder of his ex-girlfriend and her beau in February fled to Mexico was killed by military forces there.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Los enfrentamientos armados, el robo de autos con violencia y los secuestros continúan ocurriendo todos los días en esta ciudad fronteriza mientras dos facciones rivales del Cártel del Golfo continúan luchando por el control de la plaza.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Gun battles, carjackings, and kidnappings continue to take place every day in this border city as two rival factions of the Gulf Cartel continue to fight for control.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Las autoridades mexicanas siguen investigando el descubrimiento de una operación clandestina de incineración humana en la que el Cártel del Golfo incineró los cadáveres de sus víctimas en esta ciudad fronteriza.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Mexican authorities continue looking into the discovery of a clandestine human incineration operation where the Gulf Cartel burned the bodies of their victims.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — La violenta guerra por el control de las múltiples áreas de cruce de drogas en la parte norte de este estado fronterizo parece no tener fin. Hombres armados del cártel han estado secuestrando rivales afuera de sus hogares para ejecutarlos, mientras que en otras ciudades los enfrentamientos armados en áreas rurales continúan cerrando las carreteras.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — The raging war for control of multiple drug crossing areas in the northern part of this border state appears to have no end. Cartel gunmen are kidnapping rivals out of their homes to execute them; while in other cities, rural battles shut down highways.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Una serie de fuertes batallas se han desatado en esta ciudad fronteriza y a lo largo de la frontera norte de este estado mientras que dos grupos rivales del Cartel Del Golfo se disputan el control.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — A series of fierce gun battles took place in this border city and near the Texas border as two rival factions of the Gulf Cartel fight for local control.
Tres sicarios pertenecientes al Cartel Del Golfo perdieron la vida tras atacar a un convoy de autoridades que patrullaban esta ciudad fronteriza. El enfrentamiento desato una fuerte balacera de la cual varios sicarios a bordo de varios vehículos lograron escapar.
Three gunmen with Mexico’s Gulf Cartel died this week after attacking a convoy of Mexican authorities who were patrolling this border city. The clash set off a fierce gun battle from which cartel gunmen in various vehicles managed to escape.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – El Cártel del Golfo continúa su práctica terrorista de incinerar los cuerpos de sus víctimas de secuestro y rivales capturados. A través de las incineraciones, el cártel logra deshacerse de los cuerpos, dejando cada vez a más familias sin respuestas sobre el destino de sus seres queridos.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Mexico’s Gulf Cartel continues its terroristic practice of incinerating the bodies of kidnapping victims and captured rivals. As a result, the organization is able to leave more families without answers about the fate of their loved ones.
MONTERREY, Nuevo León — Mas de siete meses han pasado desde que un grupo de amigos viajo de esta ciudad metropolitana a la ciudad fronteriza de Reynosa, Tamaulipas, de fiesta y para cruzar a Texas de compras. El grupo desapareció cuando trataban de regresar a esta ciudad.
MONTERREY, Nuevo León — More than seven months have passed since a group of friends traveled from this metropolitan city to Reynosa, Tamaulipas, to cross into Texas for a shopping trip. The group went missing upon their return.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Four Gulf Cartel gunmen died over the weekend during a now-commonplace shootout in this border city.
Cuatro sicarios del Cartel Del Golfo murieron este fin de semana en una de las balaceras que ya ocurren de forma común en esta ciudad fronteriza.
Tres hombres armados del cártel y un soldado mexicano murieron en un feroz enfrentamiento que sucedió en esta ciudad fronteriza. Los sicarios estaban en proceso de secuestrar a un individuo cuando comenzó el tiroteo.
Three cartel gunmen and one Mexican soldier died in a fierce clash near the Texas/Mexico border. The gunmen were in the process of kidnapping one individual when the shootout began.
RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — Los horrores de la guerra de cárteles que se vive en esta ciudad fronteriza se revelaron una vez mas con el descubrimiento de una narco-fosa. El descubrimiento se llevo acabo en un momento en que grupos rivales del Cartel del Golfo llevan una cruenta lucha por control de la región que ha dejado mas de 158 muertes en balaceras o ejecuciones y un numero sin fin de desaparecidos en la vecina ciudad de Reynosa.
RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — The horrors of the cartel war in this border city have once again been revealed with the discovery of a new mass grave. The find comes at a time when rival groups from the Gulf Cartel wage war for control of the region–leading to more than 158 deaths through gun battles, executions, and disappearances in Reynosa.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Un video tomado por un ciudadano en esta ciudad fronteriza después de un enfrentamiento con un cártel parece mostrar a un oficial de policía usando su rifle para acabar con algunos hombres armados del cártel en un vehículo. El video surge cuando esta ciudad fronteriza lleva sufriendo cuatro meses de terror debido a la guerra del Cártel del Golfo por el poder, que ha dejado más de 150 asesinatos confirmados y decenas de desapariciones.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — A video captured by a citizen journalist in the aftermath of a cartel gun battle appears to show a police officer using his rifle to execute some shooters in a vehicle. The video comes as this border city has undergone four months of terror at the hand of the Gulf Cartel’s campaign for local control–leading to more than 150 confirmed deaths.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Una mujer perdió la vida cuando manejaba por una de las principales avenidas de esta ciudad fronteriza cuando en la hora pico del trafico sicarios de grupos rivales comenzaron a disparar por todas partes. Otras dos personas inocentes fueron heridas durante el enfrentamiento, mientras que sicarios realizaron varias ejecuciones en varios puntos de la ciudad.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — A woman driving through one of the main avenues of this border city was killed when rival cartels began spraying gunfire. Two other innocent motorists were also hit in other areas.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Eight innocent bystanders and motorists were injured in a cartel skirmish as rival gunmen squared off near a shopping center in one of this border city’s main avenues. The fighting led to at least one shooter dying.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Cartel gunmen incinerated three of their suspected rivals in an ongoing war for the past three months that led to more than 137 confirmed deaths in this border city. The bodies were found near one of the many industrial parks–it remains unclear if the victims were alive when torched.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Cartel gunmen continue spreading terror throughout this border city with two separate grenade attacks in as many days.
Gunmen with the Gulf Cartel threw a grenade at the entrance of a hotel along one of the main avenues in this border city. The attack was an apparent attempt to intimidate police forces who have been cracking down on their operations.
DIAZ ORDAZ, Tamaulipas — Mexican soldiers seized more than three tons of marijuana destined for Texas. Cartel smugglers hid their load in a grain shipment.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Gulf Cartel gunmen once again fired their weapons at innocent families traveling from Monterrey to Texas. The criminals fired their weapons when a vehicle traveling along the highway refused to stop during a carjacking.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Members of Mexico’s Gulf Cartel were caught trying to dig their way out of a border state prison through a 300-meter tunnel.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — 92 individuals have been killed in less than two months in this border city as rival cartel factions continue to fight for control.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — A group of cartel gunmen used machine guns to murder a seven-year-old boy during a failed carjacking in the outskirts of this border city. The Gulf Cartel and has a long history of targeting, extortion, kidnapping, and murdering innocent victims.
The raging cartel war for control of this city resulted in at least 74 officially-counted murders. Many more victims have been incinerated just south of the Texas border. In early May, Breitbart Texas began reporting on rival factions of the Gulf Cartel fighting for control of this border city. The continuing conflicts resulted in convoys of cartel gunmen roaming the streets looking for their rivals.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Sicarios del Cártel Del Golfo peleando por el control de esta ciudad fronteriza han vuelto a tomar la práctica de desmembrar a sus víctimas y usar tambos de 55 galones llenos de combustible para incinerar sus restos.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Cartel members fighting for control of this border city are again taking up the practice of dismembering victims and using 55- gallon drums filled with fuel to incinerate the remains.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — One bystander and at least four gunmen died this week as authorities arrested 10 Gulf Cartel members in the latest series of clashes in this city.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — More than 50 have died in the last month as a result of the raging cartel violence in this border city.
A kindergarten teacher did her best to keep her students calm as cartel gunmen and police officers engaged in a series of firefights in this Reynosa, Mexico.