resistance - Page 3

Hillary: I’m ‘Part of the Resistance’

During an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said, “I’m now back to being an activist citizen, and part of the resistance.” Hillary said, “I can’t be anything other than who I am, and


Poll: 96% of Trump Supporters Would Vote for Him Again, Win Popular Vote

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Sunday found that President Donald Trump only had 42% approval from Americans, the lowest since 1945 — but that 96% of Trump supporters say that they would vote for him again. Moreover, the poll indicates that Trump could win the popular vote if the 2016 electorate were to vote a second time.

Trump and Supporters AP

Smaller Protests Greet Trump’s New Executive Order

Protests at several California airports greeted President Donald Trump’s new executive order suspending travel from terror-prone countries on Monday, but they were smaller and less vociferous than in January, according to multiple news reports.

Executive order protest (Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty)