Redistricting - Page 3

Supreme Court Tees up Redistricting Cases in Swing States

The Supreme Court weighed in on redistricting fights in crucial 2020 presidential swing states, blocking four lower-court decisions on Friday, as the justices prepare to decide how much unelected judges can weigh in on politicians’ drawing legislative district lines.

A December 10, 2018 photo shows the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC. - The US Supreme C

SCOTUS Throws Cold Water Early on Obama’s Partisan Gerrymandering Project

The U.S. Supreme Court made headlines Monday with its acceptance of a case that argues whether legislative maps can be ruled unconstitutional simply due to the partisan advantages that may be gained from their designs. Some election law experts contend the matter is a means to an end in transferring redistricting powers—commonly held in legislative branches—to commissions not directly answerable to the electorate.


LULAC Files First Lawsuit Against Texas ‘Sanctuary’ Ban

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) took little time in filing the first lawsuit to try to stop the Lone Star State’s recently signed anti-sanctuary jurisdiction bill. LULAC sued the State of Texas, its governor, and the state’s attorney general.

Abbott Signs Sanctuary City Law

Texas Redistricting Litigation Set for July Trial

The panel of judges presiding over the Texas redistricting case has ordered the Lone Star State to a redistricting trial on July 10. The trial will be over plans passed in June 2013. The trial is being expedited because of the 2018 election deadlines.

Texas Redistricting FIght - AP Photo

Texas Congressional Map Discriminates Against Hispanics, Federal Judges Say

Two federal judges have released an opinion that accuses Lone Star State legislators of drawing a congressional map in a “rushed and secretive process” that intended to discriminate against Hispanic and Democrat voters. The only problem says the dissenting jurist–the panel could not legally issue the decision because the Fifth Circuit made clear that after Texas repealed the 2011 plan, “the case became moot and eliminated the district’s jurisdiction.”

Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa

Texas Petitions SCOTUS to Set Aside Attorney Fee Award in Redistricting Suit

The state of Texas has asked the Supreme Court of the United States to set aside the $1 million plus in attorney’s fees awarded to the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, the Texas Latino Redistricting Task Force, the Texas State Conference of Branches of the NAACP, former state senator Wendy Davis, and others, who challenged Texas’ redistricting maps.

Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa

Bi-Partisan Bill To Preserve Redistricting Commission Maps, if SCOTUS Tosses

In response to an anticipated ruling from the Supreme Court of the United States in Arizona State Legislature vs. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, which could very well strike down the creation of independent redistricting commissions in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, New Jersey and Washington State, two members of Congress from California, Repupblican Dana Rohrabacher of Costa Mesa and Democrat Alan Lowenthal of Long Beach, yesterday introduced H.R. 2501, the Citizens’ Districts Preservation Act.

The Associated Press