Real Time - Page 2

Bill Maher: ‘Gary Johnson Is a F*cking Idiot’

Friday on HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher attacked Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson. Maher questioned Johnson’s polling success with 18-34 millennials and added that he was a “fucking idiot.” “You’re a millennial and one with stamina,” Maher said to


Maher Rips Trump Sons — Calls Them ‘Uday and Qusay’

On the Friday airing of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher slammed the two sons of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump. Maher partially cited a Trump quote from his 2008 book, “Think Big,” which


Bill Maher: Kaepernick Is ‘a F*cking Idiot’

Friday on his HBO program, host Bill Maher followed up on a tweet in which he called San Francisco 49ers back-up quarterback Colin Kaepernick an “idiot.” During the “Real Time” segment, Maher said Kaepernick was a “fucking idiot,” but


Kerry Washington: Voting Trump is ‘Against Our Best Interests as Americans’

Scandal star Kerry Washington lit into Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, during an appearance Friday on HBO’s Real Time, telling host Bill Maher that Democrat Hillary Clinton has the better policies, but that her message has been drowned out while the media chooses to focus its coverage on Trump.


Bill Maher: Donald Trump Could ‘Fart in Jesus’ Face,’ Still Wouldn’t Lose Voters

“I mean, what does this guy have to do to get people to turn off to him — fart in Jesus’ face?” the famously liberal 60-year-old host of HBO’s Real Time told Variety in a wide-ranging interview. “He could end a rally by f—king a pie with his tiny c–k. I have always attributed that to the fact that America has been choking on political correctness for 20 years or more.”

Bill Maher / Reuters via Fox News