Rasmussen Poll: Republicans Expand Lead on Generic Congressional Ballot to 5 Points
A Republican candidate’s lead over a Democrat expanded to five-point on the weekly generic congressional ballot, a Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday showed.

A Republican candidate’s lead over a Democrat expanded to five-point on the weekly generic congressional ballot, a Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday showed.
A generic Republican candidate maintains a three-point lead over a generic Democrat, the same lead as the previous week, a Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday states.
Republican voters expect more party loyalty than Democrats voters, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Wednesday.
A majority of Americans report seeing their grocery bills increase and expect food prices to keep rising, the poll found.
Republicans lead Democrats on the generic congressional ballot by three points, two points lower than the previous week and seven points lower than the week before that, a Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday showed.
A majority of likely voters believe Democrats are responsible for plunging the United States into a recession, the poll found.
Voters prefer former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 rematch, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.
Republicans lead Democrats on the generic congressional ballot by five points, five points lower than the previous week, on a Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday.
As the Biden administration continues to crush energy independence in the United States, Americans are more likely to trust Republicans on energy policy, a new Rasmussen Reports poll found.
Vice President Kamala Harris said during a recent interview that the “real issue” in America is that “women are getting pregnant every day.”
Republicans lead the Democrats on the generic congressional ballot by ten points, two points higher than the previous week, on a Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday.
Most Democrats at least somewhat believe the U.S. and its institutions are “systemically sexist in favor of men,” as well as racist, a Heartland/Rasmussen Reports survey released this week found.
A generic Republican candidate maintains an eight-point lead over a generic Democrat, the same lead as the previous week, in Rasmussen Reports’ poll released Friday.
A majority of Democrats and young voters would support abolishing or packing the Supreme Court, a new poll found.
According to one of America’s most accurate pollsters (i.e., not Fox News), only 29 percent of likely voters want His Fraudulency Joe Biden to run for reelection in 2024.
Most Americans expect already-exorbitant gas prices to continue rising over the next six months, a new poll shows.
A Raaumessen Reports poll reveals that a generic Republican candidate holds the same 5-point lead over a generic Democrat candidate as the week before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
A generic Republican candidate enjoys a five-point lead over a generic Democrat, a slight three-point dip after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday.
Most voters believe illegal immigration is getting “worse” and will be an “important” issue heading into the midterm elections, according to a recent Rasmussen poll.
Rasmussen Reports found that 50 percent of voters agree with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the moral and legal atrocity what was Roe v. Wade, while only 45 percent disagree.
Republicans expanded their lead on the generic ballot by three points after last week’s slip; in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll released Friday — the Democrats are now behind by eight points.
Less than a third of Americans think workforce diversity efforts are improving race relations, a new Rasmussen Reports poll found.
The bottom continues to fall out of His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s approval ratings, with Rasmussen Reports showing Hunter’s Dad sitting at just 38 percent approval, which ties his record low in this specific poll.
Support from unaffiliated voters is propelling Republicans’ bid to reclaim both the House and Senate in November, a new Rasmussen Reports poll found.
Skyrocketing U.S. gas prices are affecting Americans in their day-to-day life, forcing them to cut back in certain fundamental areas, including driving, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found.
Republicans continue to lead Democrats and gain momentum on the generic congressional ballot in the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, after a slight dip last week following a recent school shooting in Texas and the gun rights battle.
A Rasmussen Reports poll taken after the May 14, 2022, Buffalo, New York, shooting shows that a majority of likely voters do not believe gun control can prevent mass shootings.
More voters are concerned about rising energy costs than climate change, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday.
If there’s a 2024 rematch between Donald Trump and Slow Joe Biden, Biden will find himself slaughtered by a 14 point margin, according to polling from Rasmussen Reports.
“President Joe Biden has tried to shift blame for the spike in gasoline prices, but most voters aren’t buying his excuses,” writes Rasmussen Reports.
Two-thirds of likely voters believe America is “more divided” under President Joe Biden, despite his repeated promises to unify the country.
Democrats are still under the impression that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, changing the outcome, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found.
The White House/media attempt to blame record inflation on the president of an entirely different country has failed.
When energy prices explode, the cost of everything explodes because energy is required to manufacture, transport, and install everything.
A plurality of U.S. likely voters believe that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if former President Donald Trump were still president, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found.
A majority of Americans believe the U.S. could face a “1930s like depression” over the next few years, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Wednesday found.
Oh, and guess what… By a margin of 55 to 27 percent, Democrats — Democrats! — want to see domestic energy production encouraged.
A Rasmussen Reports survey shows that 61 percent of gun owners believe they are safer for having a gun in the home.
Public polling on His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s inept mishandling of the crisis in Ukraine could not be worse or more justified.
Most voters think “crime is getting worse in America,” and 83 percent believe it will be an important issue in the midterm elections.