Rape Hoax

Rape-Hoxer Lena Dunham Flashes Her Vagina on ‘Girls’

Feminist actress and comedian Lena Dunham, who falsely portrayed herself as a victim of sexual assault in her 2014 memoir, flashed her genitals on HBO’s Girls on Sunday. In the episode titled “Hello Kitty,” Dunham’s character Hannah, who is a


Author Defends James Deen: Rape ‘Witch Hunt’

Porn star James Deen, accused of rape or sexual assault by nearly a dozen women, has backup in the form of renowned author and columnist Bret Easton Ellis, who likened the damning allegations against porn’s “boy next door” to a “ridiculous witch hunt.”

James Deen (David Azia / Associated Press)

‘Fake Rape’ Campaign Ridicules ‘Mattress Girl’ Emma Sulkowicz

After Emma Sulkowicz, aka Mattress Girl, who walked around the campus of Columbia University carrying a mattress to protest the university’s attitude to her debunked “rape,” graduated and carried her mattress through the ceremony, someone started a hashtag and Twitter account called @fakerape, and subtitled it Faking Rape to Perpetuate an Astroturf Agenda.

Emma Sulkowicz Columbia