Schools Must Teach Children About Dangers Posed by the Likes of Andrew Tate, UK Police Say
Schools in Britain should teach young boys about the dangers posed by the likes of Andrew Tate, a police official has said.

Schools in Britain should teach young boys about the dangers posed by the likes of Andrew Tate, a police official has said.
Swedish action film star Dolph Lundgren has decried the number of rapes in his home country, claiming Sweden cannot protect women.
Baroness Fox of Buckley has warned that treating wolf-whistling as a form of sexual violence would be a dangerous legal move, conflating speech with action and diminishing “the horror of rape and violence”.
Boys at an Australian school were made to “stand up and apologise to every girl for rape [and] sexual assault” at an assembly, according to pupils.
An official at the University of Florida argued this week that all Americans contribute to “rape culture.”
A Kentucky radio station trolled critics of the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” by playing the song on repeat for two hours while on air Sunday morning.
Dean Martin’s daughter Deana Martin slammed the controversy over her father’s classic Christmas song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” Monday, calling concerns about the song’s lyrics “insane.”
New York Times bestselling author Heather Mac Donald discussed gender issues on college campuses in light of her new book, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture, on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday.
An academic journal that recently published research on “dog rape culture” is now questioning the credentials of the study’s author.
A women’s studies researcher says she examined the genitals of 10,000 dogs for her study on canine “rape culture” this month.
Police should reconsider their policy of always and automatically believing rape accusers, Sara Thornton, the head of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, has said.
The Martin Luther King Jr. chapel at Morehouse College was defaced, allegedly by students from Morehouse and several nearby colleges, to protest “rape culture.”
Alleging U.S. “rape culture” caused the Hollywood sex abuse scandal, the Independent has claimed that only Islam can provide the answer to preventing violence against women.
Rolling Stone magazine has reached a settlement with a former associate dean at the University of Virginia who charged the periodical with defamation over claims made in its disastrous, false college rape story from 2014.
An illegal immigrant will be deported after admitting to raping a 15-year-old girl during a New Year’s Eve party.
An editorial from The Boston Globe argues that the intense reaction to Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s nominee for the Secretary of Education, reveals “how ideological and unmoored” the debate on campus rape culture has become.
The Nigerian military reported the finding of a shopping list on a Boko Haram terrorist which included a variety of drugs for “libido enhancement” and the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
Left-wing pundits are slamming Donald Trump’s son for using the candy Skittles as a metaphor for Syrian refugees and terrorism — but just a few years ago, these same liberals were more than happy to use bite-sized candy as an illustration of “rape culture” in the U.S.A.
University of Quebec, Outaouais students face expulsion after creating a “game” that has been accused of promoting “rape culture.”
The Indian government has warned female travelers not to wear skirts “for their own safety” as they travel to and around the country. India has been struggling with the widespread violence against women in the country, which has hurt the nation’s tourism industry.
Actress and comedian Amy Schumer defended embattled Inside Amy Schumer writer Kurt Metzger, who mocked and belittled women who accused fellow comedian Aaron Glaser of sexual assault.
Clothing retailer Forever 21 has pulled a T-shirt from its online store after customers complained that it promoted rape.
A controversial men’s rights group, headed up by a self-proclaimed “pick up artist” and “legalized rape” blogger, planned meetups worldwide for its like-minded members, but cancelled the events after widespread criticism including from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
In the wake of the wave of organised sexual assaults perpetrated against German women on New Year’s Eve, many commentators have been patiently waiting for the feminist reaction to this grotesque display of male violence. Well, it seems to have arrived, but
CNN’s The Hunting Ground has won critical acclaim from filmmakers, winning the Stanley Kramer award from the Producers Guild of America while garnering criticism from Ivy League elites who worry that their reputations are being sullied by the depiction of a “rape culture” on their campuses (Harvard Crimson).
Like many other young men, Lawlor believes that modern feminism has lost its way.
Former stripper and advocate against what neo-feminists call “rape culture” Amber Rose announced her support for Hillary Clinton this week during a radio interview where she said of the Democratic presidential front-runner, “It’s just her moment.”
Starbucks may no longer be a safe space to have a conversation with a friend, not unless you’re prepared to be called out by PC minders who might be eavesdropping nearby.
That’s how tech and mainstream news outlets irresponsibly and negligibly reported on false rape accusations against Silicon Valley venture capitalist Joe Lonsdale, who was convicted in the media long before he cleared his name in court.
On Monday, a female gym teacher from Las Plumas High School who allegedly had sex with two male students appeared in court, Action News Now reported.
With all the focus on campus “rape culture,” those accused of sexual assault (read: men) often find themselves facing a byzantine, parallel system of justice in which standards of evidence and proof are dubious and the process seems stacked against them from the outset. Increasingly, these cases are being taken to real courts where the accused men are winning back the rights which were not protected by their universities.
Yesterday, George Lawlor, a student at the University of Warwick hit the headlines after he refused to accept an invitation to his student union’s “Sex Consent training workship.” Today, he is joined in these pages by another Warwick student, Jack Hadfield. Here’s hoping that their voices are just the beginning–and that young men will stand up and say enough is enough.
New Orleans authorities are searching for what local media illuminatingly call a “man”—27-year-old Honduran immigrant Gerson Rodriguez, wanted for raping a 4-year-old.
GOP 2016 contender Bobby Jindal writes in a blog post Tuesday that the mass shootings experienced in the United States are a “symptom of deep and serious cultural decay in our society.”
When pressed about taking partial responsibility for being sexually assaulted in her twenties, former Pretenders front woman Chrissie Hynde let loose on NPR’s David Greene on Tuesday.
After yet another mass shooting on campus, the time may have come to retire the phrase “trigger warning” itself.
A self-proclaimed victory for women’s rights has been won by the University of St Andrews feminist society (FemSoc), after they forced a night in their Student’s Union to change its name from “P.U.L.L”, which they deemed “sexist”, to the more
A bill being considered in Congress would require universities to notify police about reports of sexual assault or else forego punishment for the accused.
Chrissie Hynde refuses to apologize to feminists over August 30 comments, in which she said women who dress provocatively and then get drunk should take some responsibility if they are sexually assaulted.
Rock singer Chrissie Hynde has got herself into trouble with women’s groups for suggesting that when a pretty young girl goes to hang with a biker gang while wearing next to nothing and out of her face on drugs she