Trump Golfs with Buffalo Bills Players on Presidents Day
The Buffalo Bills did not end their season the way they wanted, but their offseason is going quite well for a few of them, at least.

The Buffalo Bills did not end their season the way they wanted, but their offseason is going quite well for a few of them, at least.
Actor Robert Picardo, who played The Doctor on Star Trek: Voyager, said that America should cancel Presidents Day due to Trump allegedly canceling “our justice system” and other causes.
Vice President JD Vance, prominent officials, and others took to social media on Monday to wish President Donald Trump a Happy Presidents’ Day.
President Donald Trump is an “aspiring dictator,” likened to both Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, according to a Presidents Day Salon piece that warns his presidency is leading to the downfall of American democracy.
President Donald Trump on Monday exited his presidential limousine, known as “the Beast,” to wave to supporters who were gathered as his motorcade approached.
President Trump, the 47th President, has the power to declare that the birthday of the 1st President, which falls on February 22, should once again be a holiday.
Many presidents have agreed that unchecked immigration ultimately hurts Americans and those legal immigrants who have already arrived.
Radical-left activist and former politician Nina Turner marked Presidents’ Day, the holiday officially named “Washington’s Birthday,” by attempting to vilify America’s first president and founding father as well as other early U.S. presidents.
Pluralities deem former President Donald Trump both the “best” and “worst” of recent presidents, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found.
Politico argued on Monday that Presidents’ Day should be canceled for including former President Donald Trump in the holiday.
Melania Trump is launching a third series of NFTs to celebrate the Trump presidency on President’s day. The collection consists of 10,000 pieces of digital artwork.
Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton included herself in a photo of presidents on Presidents Day but left out her own husband.
Eleven children were shot over President’s Day Weekend in gun-controlled Chicago.
Left-wing filmmaker Rob Reiner declared that President Trump is the “enemy of the people” in a social media rant Wednesday.
Hollywood celebrities from actor Jeffrey Wright to former Netflix host Chelsea Handler decided to celebrate Presidents Day by attacking President Donald Trump, calling him a criminal, a liar, and praising Obama. and other leftist groups are holding protests to oppose President Donald Trump’s effort to build a wall on the U.S. border.
20th Century Fox’s Alita: Battle Angel led the box office for the weekend, making its expected earnings even as the overall results found it to be the slowest Presidents Day weekend for Hollywood in fifteen years.
Most Americans probably don’t know that the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill that Congress passed in 1968 created the President’s Day holiday.
President Donald Trump called on Americans to have a “reflective” Presidents’ Day as they take time off for the federal holiday.
Anti-Trump protesters in San Francisco launched a giant rubber inflatable chicken with hair resembling that of President Donald Trump and wearing a mock prison uniform near Alcatraz Island on Saturday afternoon.
Anti-Trump activists in California and the U.S. participated in “Not My President Day” rallies on Monday, which marked the public holiday of Presidents’ Day.
On the third Monday of February, Americans celebrate George Washington’s Birthday, often inappropriately called “Presidents Day.” Even more unfortunately, this holiday doesn’t even fall on Washington’s Birthday due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which pushed numerous holidays to Monday in order to create more three-day weekends. Washington’s real birthday does not occur until February 22.
One of the most dramatic moments in “Hamilton: The Musical” is the entry of Gen. George Washington as the American rebels suddenly face 32,000 British troops in New York Harbor.
Presidents Day 2015 comes in the midst of an upheaval about the state of U.S. foreign policy, and particularly regarding the State of Israel, whose Prime Minister will arrive in two weeks to deliver what will amount to a rebuke of President Obama’s negotiating stance on Iran. As this particular holiday lends itself to ranking the presidents from best to worst, it is worth considering how they compare on relations with Israel, which has been–despite ups and downs–a staunch ally since 1948.
It was once said that “God looks out for fools, drunks and the United States of America.”
On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon will be discussing the most important news stories of the week. There will be a special focus on the threat of radical Islam around the globe and the failure of Obama foreign policy.