Politico - Page 24

'Clinton: The Musical' Set to Debut

A new musical called Clinton: The Musical is set to debut at the New York Musical Theater Festival this summer from July 18-25. It will be showcased at Alice Griffin Jewel Box Theater at the Pershing Square Signature Center. The

'Clinton: The Musical' Set to Debut

Politico Celebrates Cochran: 'Cantor Looks Like an Outlier'

Politico’s James Hohmann has released his list of “takeaways” from Tuesday’s primaries, among which is the claim that Eric Cantor’s loss in Virginia earlier this month is “an outlier” in 2014. Leaving out Tea Party victories in places like Nebraska, or

Politico Celebrates Cochran: 'Cantor Looks Like an Outlier'

Republicans Grow Frustrated With DHS' Answers On Border Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Homeland Security Committee Republicans spent Tuesday morning calling out the Obama administration for causing and failing to cope effectively with the ongoing crisis of unaccompanied minors flooding the border. “This is a crisis that has been

Republicans Grow Frustrated With DHS' Answers On Border Crisis

Advice for the IRS: How to Backup Important Data

As you may have heard, the IRS claims Lois Lerner’s emails are gone forever. Apparently Lerner was storing her archived email on her local drive when it crashed and could not be recovered. I’m certainly not the first to suggest

Advice for the IRS: How to Backup Important Data

New York Magazine: Dana Milbank Heritage Smear Fake But Accurate

New York Magazine’s “Science of Us” vertical admits that Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank’s Tuesday attack against the Heritage Foundation is riddled with inaccuracies but still insist he was right.  In a post titled “Real-Life Muslims Like Saba Ahmed Pose an Existential

New York Magazine: Dana Milbank Heritage Smear Fake But Accurate

Dana Milbank Blows It Again

Yesterday Dana Milbank wrote a column claiming a Heritage panel on Benghazi had devolved into “ugly taunting of a woman in the room who wore an Islamic head covering.” This being Dana Milbank it was inevitable there would be serious

Koch Brothers Launch Super PAC for Midterms

On Monday, the Koch brothers launched a new super PAC for the 2014 midterm elections. According to Politico, the Freedom Partners Action Fund “aims to spend more than $15 million in the 2014 midterm campaigns,” which is reportedly “part of

Koch Brothers Launch Super PAC for Midterms

Hobby Lobby's Green Family Building Biblical Museum

The Supreme Court is due to decide whether the owners of Hobby Lobby craft supplies stores can be forced by the federal government to include in their employee health insurance forms of contraception that are against their religious beliefs. The

Hobby Lobby's Green Family Building Biblical Museum

Are Teachers Unions Doomed?

With revenue and membership dropping, losses in court cases, all on top of internal dissension and even some splintering, the nation’s two largest education unions, the National education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, are struggling to map out

Republicans Continue to Lead in Texas While Wendy Davis Crumbles

AUSTIN, Texas–Polls show Texas statewide Republicans are holding or expanding their lead over their Democrat opponents while the Wendy Davis Gubernatorial Campaign announced it is shaking up its management tree again. This time Davis is replacing the campaign manager, Karin

Republicans Continue to Lead in Texas While Wendy Davis Crumbles

McCarthy Now Lone Contender for House Majority Leader

Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is now the sole candidate for the position of House majority leader following an announcement on Thursday from Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) that he has dropped out of the race. Sessions’ announcement comes just two days

McCarthy Now Lone Contender for House Majority Leader

Eric Cantor's Place in History

A colleague, watching outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) face the press after announcing that he would step down in the wake of his surprise primary defeat, wondered aloud what Cantor’s place in history would be. Cantor himself seemed

Eric Cantor's Place in History

WSJ: Dave Brat Fears Hitler Will Rise Again

Former Politico reporter Reid Epstein just jumped to the Wall Street Journal but seems to have taken the worst of Politico’s instincts with him. In an uncharacteristically bizarre WSJ piece, Epstein attempts to manufacture from thin air a political controversy

WSJ: Dave Brat Fears Hitler Will Rise Again

Cantor's Graceless 'Concession Speech'

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) failed to congratulate or even acknowledge Dave Brat in his concession speech last night. Neither did Cantor offer Brat his support in November’s general election against his Democratic opponent, or call Brat to concede

Cantor's Graceless 'Concession Speech'

Grimes Fundraiser Makes Waves – But For All The Wrong Reasons

That private Washington fundraiser for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes with Harry Reid, last Thursday, is making all kinds of headlines – none of them good. The Politico reported that Grimes didn’t mention coal in her speech, after promising

Feinstein Complains She's Out of the Loop with Obama

California Senator Dianne Feinstein is admitting that the White House has kept her at a distance after she criticized the Obama Administration for ignoring Congress when the Bowe Bergdahl deal was made.  Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee,

Feinstein Complains She's Out of the Loop with Obama